I took a new Orin Dev kit out of the box, and attempted to update it to R35.2.1. When I did that, the flash looked like it succeeded, but when I went to reboot it, it went to the boot screen, then failed to boot.
Following the instructions online, I put the device into recovery mode, and attempted to restore the device. I get the following in the logs:
How do I put this device back into an appropriate state to flash the device? Concerned after reading the forums about the reliability of the flash/update process…
I initially tried to flash it through using downloading the files to the device (following the steps for having a screen connected to the Orin), and doing that.
Now that it does not boot, attempting to put the device into recovery mode and flash using the sdkmanager.
I should also note - the above output is from running the “flash.sh” script from the command line. When I run the flash from the sdkmanager, I get a note that “The Jetson Target is in a bad state and is not able to be flashed. Please manually put the device into recovery mode and then retry flashing”
To place the device in recovery mode, I held the middle button (button 2), then pressed and released button 3. Is there a way to put the device into recovery mode through the shell (when it starts coming up on the screen, I see a menu for ~5 seconds before it disappears)