[Flash][Jetson AGX Orin] ERROR: failed to open USB

Hi, I’m currently trying to flash and install Jetpack 6.0 with sdkManagger on Ubunut 22.04 while i connect to power with my Jetson AGX Orin but i still failing in this error.

17:37:33 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.8120 ] ERROR: failed to open USB

I tried changing usb ports of my computer, change cable, restart pc, restart sdk manager, change pc, trying with console sdkmanager, flash manually with flash.sh, stoping udisk2 service, in early times i could flash and install jetpack 6 in jetson nano orin development kit with the same computer and cable and i dosent know what else i can do, can you help me please.

Some further information,

  • I dont have another Jetson AGX Orin
  • I connect my Jetson AGX Orin with the 19 V power supply
  • Is the first time i tried to flash the jetson AGX Orin
  • The jetson it is there own original platform.

Thanks for read me, i will wait your response

Share full host side log but not these two lines.

Hi! I will share my logs
SDKM_logs_JetPack_6.0_(rev._2)_Linux_for_Jetson_AGX_Orin_modules_2024-08-12_15-53-17.zip (233.2 KB)

Is it a custom carrier board or NV devkit? If your Ubuntu 22.04 a VM?

I’m using Jetson AGX Orin and working on a full ubuntu 22.04 desktop.

please dump the serial console log during flash.

Which are the pins for UART debug in the Jetson AGX Orin H01? Also, i found some issues when i open the jetson for first time. This are the images.

If this is a custom board, check with the board vendor.

NV devkit uart port is integrated in the micro usb port.
As you are using custom board, it is unlikely to be same. (For example, even no micro usb port exists on your side)

Thanks, i will check with my vendor!

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