Hi, I’m currently trying to flash and install Jetpack 6.0 with sdkManagger on Ubunut 22.04 while i connect to power with my Jetson AGX Orin but i still failing in this error.
17:37:33 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 0.8120 ] ERROR: failed to open USB
I tried changing usb ports of my computer, change cable, restart pc, restart sdk manager, change pc, trying with console sdkmanager, flash manually with flash.sh, stoping udisk2 service, in early times i could flash and install jetpack 6 in jetson nano orin development kit with the same computer and cable and i dosent know what else i can do, can you help me please.
Some further information,
- I dont have another Jetson AGX Orin
- I connect my Jetson AGX Orin with the 19 V power supply
- Is the first time i tried to flash the jetson AGX Orin
- The jetson it is there own original platform.
Thanks for read me, i will wait your response