As Orin Nano doesn’t have internal memory, I’am using NVMe SSD. But in my custom carrier board, I don’t have C type slot. So Is there any other way to flash image to the Orin Nano Module through NVMe?
Hello @swasthika,
You should be able to flash your SSD directly from your PC.
Check NVIDIA docs for reference:
We have done it in the past.
However, you should take into account cases where you need to flash other internal components as QSPI.
Another option could be to flash using a devkit and then moving your flashed ssds into other units with custom carrier board.
Finally during production, you could use OTA to perform system updates incluiding kernel and DTB.
May we ask what is your usecase ? This could help us better unterstand your system and try to come with a possible solution.
Please let us know if you have more questions or comments.
Also, dont hesitate to reach out if you require further assistance, we would be glad to help.
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