Hi All,
I have a school project that I would like to create a surround-view from four cameras. The goal is to create a 360-degree bird view on a RC car.
I am new to the Jetson platform. I saw people’s posts about using four USB CSI cameras on the Jetson AGX Xavier, but I am not sure if it would work since the Jetson Xavier only has one USB port. Is there any affordable adapter out there that allows the Xavier to connect Raspberry PI V2 cameras or other affordable USB cameras?
The SurveilsQUAD - Sony IMX290 Synchronized Multi-Camera System from https://www.e-consystems.com/ is another option; however, the price is really high for a student like me. Besides, I tried to call them regarding the spec, but it’s unreachable. I also tried to email them through ‘sales@e-consystems.com’, but it said, “The group sales only accept messages from people in its organization or on its allowed senders’ list, and your email address isn’t on the list.”
Andrew Ng