Graph Composer 3.0 (Windows 10) - Registry Sync Source Repo Selection drop down menu is blank

• Graph Composer 3.0.0 (Windows 10) - Repo Selection List is Blank
• Logs Show as following:

The sync method changes with Graph Composer 3.0.0. Please refer to Application Workflow — DeepStream 6.3 Release documentation

Not sure as to how to start/run the “gxf_server” command on Windows 10 (where I have installed the Graph Composer 3.0 …apart from the Jetson). The documentation says that the preamble to (re)synchronizing the registry is to start the GFX Server. But neither the CMD Terminal nor the CLI Terminal (within the Graph Composer 3.0) accepts the “gxf_server” run command.

Also, I see that you have responded to a similar query: When running Graph Composer on Windows is there an equivalent to gxf_server? wherein you have responded that it is not supported…What is the bailout solution from this situation?.

Thanks Fiona.
Have figured out : When running Graph Composer on Windows is there an equivalent to gxf_server? - #4 by OTS_KD
Looks like this is the way forward from v 3.0 onwards…

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