Gravity Physics is not working properly


I am using the latest version of Nvidia Isaac Sim which is 2022.1.0

I just made a simple scene that a box drops with gravity. but the speed of that is not real, it is much slower than what should be ( for example 4 seconds takes to drop while it should be around .5 sec ) . When I do the same in Omniverse Create, it is correct. Please watch the video. what should I do?

Hi @convertersoft

This is what I think:
In Isaac Sim 2022.1.0 units are in meters as default…
So, your cube (100 meters on each side) falls from 180 meters high according to the test scene… in earth gravity, it is about 5 seconds


You are completely right, I did not notice of geometry size, Also documentation need to be updated as it does not cover new version of Isaac Sim

Hi @convertersoft

Details on unit references, representations, and coordinate conventions can be found at:


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