If I play the orginal scene with people ( exported from iClone8, using the new Live-Link ) then I get the green colored people also, when City Scene is imported as payloads.
The problem goes away when city is removed again from the scene and default lights is activated…
This is very strange. It must be either lighting or materials, and I think you have ruled out lighting. So lets look at materials. Please either delete the materials to see if they still “glow green” or at least add the material override setting (white mode) to see if they still look green, and not white. Assuming this points to bad materials, then look at the materials applied and look for something that is off, like a “self-illumination” that is set and set to green. It could be a slight error with the new exporter.
Thank you team green!
With your help, @Richard3D I found the issue.
Yes it´s something coming with the “collect assets” from localhost to local drive. I just crack the Emission values down on actorcore characters and its FIXED.
Ok so good and bad news. Good that we have found it. I suspected as much. Bad news is that the exporter is applying an un-needed emission texture and value. That is something you may want to check at the other end in Real Illusion. Is it applying an emissive texture there ? If not, its an error with our exporter. I will inform. In the meantime, can you do the workaround of just deleting the emissive value and texture. Sorry about that.