We are working in a 3D stereo Project with two monitors, so we need to mirror flipping horizontally one of them.
Our NVIDIA card is M5000, we have tried the Mosaic Utility driver and the Warp and Blend API to do it, but none of them Works.
Can you please explain us how to implement the mirror flipping with this card?
We can try with a RTX 3060 card. Is it posible with this card?, how can we implement it?
Hi, I assume you have a setup with 2 screens, one rotated, both are viewed through a semi-transparent screen? So one screen needs the compensation for the mirror? Ideally lowest possible latency, so no offset between both eyes caused from one eye/channel being mirrored=processed, the other not?
Typically these screens come with a HW-box to do the flip, which creates latency, so often both eyes needs to be sent through such additional HW, one being processed/flipped, the other only getting the same amount of delay/latency added…
More elegant is a solution only avail on Ampere and Ada generation of professional RTX GPUs (NOT on your old M5000, sorry): these can flip a scanout in HW, so no extra latency. To easily activate this option, a commandlinetool is to be used:
configureMosaic (Mosaic Utility Driver ).
pls run the tool in a admin cmd, without options, it will then provide you with guidance for syntax with the help and detailed options for the tool.
hope this is what you have been looking for?
Yeah, we had already done that, thank you anyway.
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Dear Frank,
Regarding this question me made you several months ago (see attached email). As we told you, we solved it, buying this card: NVIDIA RTX A2000
But know we contact you because we want to implement it on a laptop. Do you know any laptop with ampere card that we can use it to build up the same system on it?
Looking forward to hearing from you.

Hi Felix, for this feature to work, it MUST be the Nvidia GPU doing the scanout to the displays. This is typically NOT the case whith laptops, where scanout is being done from the Intel/AMD CPU-integraded GPU. Even if one or very seldomly more than out output on the laptop was directly driven by the NV GPU, I doubt we’d support the mosaic feature including the HW flip :-(.
If you aim for a more portable, flexible, light solution, maybe consider one of the small form factor workstations with the A2000, this way you can ensure direct connected displays and no CPU-integraded gfx in the way, but still have a relatively small and portable solution?
Hi Frank,
Thank you for your answer.
One more question, we are working with the Ortosky software for passive 3D visualization, but we want to implement it in QGIS.
As you know, Passive 3D vision is based on stereoscopic vision which is simulated by displaying an image on each monitor and with different type of glasses show only one monitor in each eye, so each eye receives information of only one image.
Do you know where we can find information on how to tell the graphic card to display one image on one monitor and another image on another monitor? But all in the same instance of QGIS.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

Hi, I don’t know about Ortosky or QGIS, but generally, to do ANY methode of stereo, applications would use a stereo pixelformat for their rendering API, and the ‘rest’ is being done in the driver. (so the app must be programmed to support stereo really… )
For passive stereo the driver will needs to be configured in ‘clone’ mode, or passive stereo 1x1 mosaic (to use the HW flip), and then will display one eye each per cloned screen.
(active stereo the same quadbuffered images will just be scanned out differently, timesequential to the same screen, not simultaneously to 2 screens, as in passive stereo).
ONLY for passive stereo, any app COULD even render passive stereo all on its own, not using any stereo mode in the driver… (but why?? ;-) ). To do so, it would need to run 2 threads of the same dataset visualization in sync, and create the eye-offset per viewport. This way, the app would ‘just’ show the 2 slightly offset images all on their own…
But without appsupport for stereo, there is no way to just enable stereo via the driver, to an application not aware of stereo…
Hi Frank,
OK, we understand, thank you very much for your help.