How can i change non-USD properties on my prim via python script?

I’ve tried to interpolate along a spline to move my AGV. But i could not find any functions that computes the position when a interpolation value is given.

So i tried to implement it via the Motion Path extension. Now i just want to change the UValue every frame to make my robot moving.

I am really frustrated. Pls help me.


@andrushkaandre i am just another user, but one of the ways is to use a kit command to move the uValue:

import omni.kit.commands
from pxr import Usd, Sdf


where value arg is the new uValue you’d like to set and the prop_path should give you access to the motion path param (make sure it matches to the basis curve asset path used in your scene). so you should be able to programmatically move your object along the basis curve.