How to boot to EFI shell using Jetson Xavier NX

Today, when we power on the machine, it boots directly to Ubuntu. We would like to boot to an EFI shell in order to send EFI commands.

We tried to change boot order from setup (pressing F1 before booting), however there is not a list to change the boot order (as can be seen in the image)

Note: We are using JET Pack 5.0

Can someone please explain if there is a way to boot to EFI shell in this machine?

Thank you in advance!


Hi renan_moraes50,

Are you using the devkit from NVIDIA or custom board for Xavier NX?

You could refer to the following thread for boot order in UEFI.
Boot problem on live device - #8 by KevinFFF

Hi Kevin,

We are using a Edge computing product equipped with Xavier NX.

The mentioned thread doesn’t help us, because our system doesn’t have change boot order option as can be seen in my first message.

Do we need to use another version of JetPack to access this option?

Thank you for your help

Jetpack5.0 has been released for almost an year.
Yes, please use latest Jetpack 5.1.1 and we can synchronize the status.

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