How to program PCIE1_RST delay to PCIE1_CLK

Hi Nvidia,

Can we program delay PCIE1_RST to PCIE_CLK timming more than 100ms.we measured PCIE1_clk to PCIE1_RST timming is less than 5ms,but the down pcie device need more than 100ms timming spec.

in file: kernel/nvidia/drivers/pci/dwc/pcie-tegra.c

Make below change:

/* assert RST */
val = readl(pcie->appl_base + APPL_PINMUX);
writel(val, pcie->appl_base + APPL_PINMUX);
usleep_range(100, 200); → msleep(100);

Hope it work for your device.


Hi @zhouqiang
can update if issue is fixed for you?