Please provide complete information as applicable to your setup.
• Hardware Platform: Jetson AGX Orin
• DeepStream Version: 7.0
• JetPack Version: (6.0+b106 and 6.0+b87 both are installed) L4T 36.3.0
• TensorRT Version: 8.6.2
Hello, i am using the sample deepstream-app for my purpose of face detection→ face recognition→ face swap and it is perfectly working, here source is an mp4 file and output is RTSP stream
But now i want to send the meta data generated in the app along with RTSP stream and for that i referred the following document, and found that i can send meta in KLV format.
but i was not able to find the meta plugin, i also verified my gstreamer version it is 1.20.3 and all the good bad ugly packages are properly installed,
so can you tell me how can i achieve the task of sending KLV meta along with RTSP ? like what should i do what nvidia plugins i should use or enable in config file?