How to send KLV data along with RTSP stream

Please provide complete information as applicable to your setup.

• Hardware Platform: Jetson AGX Orin
• DeepStream Version: 7.0
• JetPack Version: (6.0+b106 and 6.0+b87 both are installed) L4T 36.3.0
• TensorRT Version: 8.6.2

Hello, i am using the sample deepstream-app for my purpose of face detection→ face recognition→ face swap and it is perfectly working, here source is an mp4 file and output is RTSP stream

But now i want to send the meta data generated in the app along with RTSP stream and for that i referred the following document, and found that i can send meta in KLV format.

but i was not able to find the meta plugin, i also verified my gstreamer version it is 1.20.3 and all the good bad ugly packages are properly installed,

so can you tell me how can i achieve the task of sending KLV meta along with RTSP ? like what should i do what nvidia plugins i should use or enable in config file?

What kind of meta data are you want to send along with RTSP stream? Please check if nvdsmetainsert and nvdsmetaextract can help for your use case in: Gst-nvdsmetautils — DeepStream documentation

actually i want to send the data like bbox cordinates, detection confidence, etc.

" nvdsmetainsert and nvdsmetaextract " and these plugins are not available on my jetson board

but i guess these plugins are useful in case of SEI encoding but i want send in KLV

We only have “nvdsmetainsert and nvdsmetaextract”. Please ask RidgeRun if you need send metadata in KLV format.