We want to use hardware signals SLEEP_REQ_N (pin L11) and POWER_BTN_N (pin L61) to make ORIN enter and exit SC7 on our own carrier board. The current problem is that ORIN can enter SC7 mode by pulling down SLEEP_REQ_N (pin L11) and releasing it, and then successfully exit SC7 mode by pulling down POWER_BTN_N (pin L61) and releasing it from the log output by ORIN. However, the display cannot be re-lit, and no more serial port information can be seen (and the serial port cannot input characters). The specific log is as follows: STANDBY_REQ_N enter SC7.txt (988 Bytes) PWR_BTN_N exit SC7.txt (9.1 KB)
We noticed that the design of the power button on the carrier board of the Jetson AGX ORIN Dev kit is implemented by the button MCU. We don’t know how the button MCU wakes up ORIN after pressing the POWER button on the side of the development kit. Are there multiple signals working at the same time or in a certain sequence? Please describe how the button MCU wakes up ORIN after pressing the POWER button on the side of the development kit. Thank you very much!
Can you explain what the problem is for the scenario?
“The current problem is that ORIN can enter SC7 mode by pulling down SLEEP_REQ_N (pin L11) and releasing it, and then successfully exit SC7 mode by pulling down POWER_BTN_N (pin L61) and releasing it from the log output by ORIN. However, the display cannot be re-lit, and no more serial port information can be seen (and the serial port cannot input characters). The specific log is as follows: STANDBY_REQ_N enter SC7.txt (988 Bytes) PWR_BTN_N exit SC7.txt (9.1 KB)”
Did you check the related signals waveform? It looks like stuck by some interface/device. Also you can try software command to enter SC7 and exit by power button, or enter and exit SC7 mode all by power button. Below topic may be helpful for you.
Hi Trumany,our problem is a different situation.( My device can not exit SC7 successfully).
And by the way, the problem that I posted is discovered on our own designed carrier board. May I know if there are some items that should be check when entering and exiting SC7? Here are the logs from our own designed carrier board and NV dev kit for you.
Please check and compare the related signals waveform first. Did you try “software command to enter SC7 and exit by power button, or enter and exit SC7 mode all by power button”?