After an unsuccessful partial upgrade of Ubuntu from 20.04 to 22.04, I tried to fix the problems that appeared. My actions led to the fact that the graphical interface completely stopped working, and ubuntu can start without it, but there is no way to fix errors. I tried to reinstall ubuntu using sdk manager but it says there are no releases available for my version of ubuntu. I tried to use a bootable flash drive to change the boot priority, but it didn’t work. I tried to look for ways to fix the errors that appeared in the system, but this is difficult. Is there any working way to reinstall the system on Jetson Nano in my situation?
Sorry for the photo quality.
JetPack/SDK Manager runs only on a host PC, so it appears we are talking about the host PC, not the Jetson. Technically, JetPack/SDKM runs on more hosts than what you will be able to use. You’ve posted in the older Nano forum, not the Orin Nano, so I am assuming this is just a Nano (not an Orin Nano), and this modifies what JetPack/SDKM will work with.
Keep in mind that JetPack is just a GUI front end to the actual flash software. The actual flash software (the “driver package”) has fewer restrictions. The driver package itself adds other restrictions when used with the GUI (and fewer restrictions when used on command line…which means not using JetPack/SDKM).
There is some more exotic “Drive” hardware most people don’t have, and this can use JetPack with an ubuntu 22.04 host PC. For an older Nano, this can work on either Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04; this is due to what is being flashed. For Xavier and Orin products, the host PC can be Ubuntu 18.04 or 20.04. At this time there are no Jetsons capable of using JetPack/SDKM on a 22.04 host PC. In the future, when Orin gets the ability to have Ubuntu 22.04 installed, the major release of the L4T version (which is what gets flashed; this is Ubuntu plus NVIDIA drivers) will go up, maybe it will become R36.x or R37.x, and then an Ubuntu 22.04 host PC will work (and the JetPack release would also increment when that happens, and probably become a 6.x release).
So assuming this is a regular Nano, you need to downgrade the host PC to Ubuntu 18 to flash with the GUI, and what gets flashed is Ubuntu 18. If this is an Orin Nano, then you need to downgrade to Ubuntu 20 to use the GUI. Steps are more manual, but if you are willing to flash on command line, then Ubuntu 22 will probably work (you’d need to manually download packages and flash on command line, and then know which CUDA or other optional packages you want, followed by using apt-get
to install them).
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