I have a USD export problem, how to solve list index out of range?

I matched the character transfer , add the A2F pipline , but when I try to click "Export as USD Skel Animation"button, it report “list index out of range!” and I can’t solve it.
Please help

Hello @414719540! I’ve informed the dev team about this post. What version of A2F are you currently using? Would you be able to attach a copy of your logs found here: C:\Users\<username>\.nvidia-omniverse\logs\Kit\Audio2Face

Hi @414719540 ,
It looks like your Skeleton prim is missing the skel:animationSource attribute.
You should be able to see the solve in action live in your current scene if the solve setup is successful.
do you see your target mesh with blendshape moving accordingly prior to try exporting it?

Thanks for your answer! Thank you for the effort you did for us!
It seems the mesh does have some issue.And I’m not quite sure what happen to the mesh,so I ask my colleague to make a simple one for me and it worked.

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Thank you for your reply! But my log files are too long ,sorry I cannot find the error part, my a2f version is 2022.1.0.
I think maybe the problem is the face mesh I use has some problem.

Could you send me your face mesh? You can email it to me here: omniversecommunity@nvidia-omniverse.atlassian.net

Thanks for your concern.The model is a colleague who made a mistake and is now usable, but a new problem has arisen.
I sent you the model by email, can you help me find the error?Thank you very much.