I would like to know how to boot from SD card with ORIN AGX

Hi. I am trying to get the SD card boot using the following but it fails with the following steps.
Please tell me what is wrong.


  • PC:ubuntu(20.04)
  • Jetson AGX orin Developer kit
  • microSD card (ext4 formatted)

・Reference page

Flashing Support — Jetson Linux Developer Guide documentation (nvidia.com)

  1. DL and install SDKmanager on PC
  2. Run SDKmanager and install the target hardware image.
    Insert SD card into Orin
  3. Connect Orin and PC with USB cable (⑩USB Type-C port)
  4. Hold down the RECOVERY button in the middle of Orin and turn on the power (release the RECOVERY button after 3 seconds).
  5. Open a terminal on the host PC and confirm that “NVIDIA Corp” is displayed by “lsusb” command (the device is in recovery mode).
  6. Execute the following commands on the host PC
    $ cd Linux_for_Tegra
    $ sudo . /tools/kernel_flash/l4t_initrd_flash.sh jetson-agx-orin-devkit mmcblk1p1
  7. confirm the success log by executing the command.
    flash_1-2_0_20230905-093128.log (39.6 KB)
  8. Orin recognizes SDboot automatically, but does not boot (remove the SD card from Orin and check the contents on the PC, it remains empty).


in your case, only the initrd image is flashed into the device, because mmcblk1p1 is not recognized as a valid internal storage device, and please try either:

sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/l4t_initrd_flash.sh --external-device mmcblk1p1 -c ./tools/kernel_flash/flash_l4t_external.xml --showlogs --network usb0 jetson-agx-orin-devkit internal

Or patch flash.sh as follows:

-- if [[ "${target_rootdev}" == "internal" || "${target_rootdev}" == mmcblk0p* || \
++ if [[ "${target_rootdev}" == "internal" || "${target_rootdev}" == mmcblk0p* || "${target_rootdev}" == mmcblk1p* \

, and flash directly with:

sudo ./flash.sh jetson-agx-orin-devkit mmcblk1p1

Thank you for your answer.
I solved the problem with the following command you taught me


This thread saved me…I didn’t see anything like this in the flash to sd for the ORIN in any of the documentation, but it should def be out there.

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