I am using Isaac Sim included in a Gym env and PPO from Stable Baselines 3
On my environment, I have a particle system coming from a cube mesh processed by a particle sampler. When I run the simulation on the GUI, it works fine. However, when the simulation runs during RL training, it does not simulate at all even though my simulation runs fully on the GPU (see code below). The particle cube does not move of behave like when it is running on the GUI. Does Isaac Sim python API support bulk solids and powder?
#instanciate the world
self.world = World(
physics_prim_path = self.env_config["env"]["world"]["physics_prim_path"],
physics_dt = self._physics_dt,
rendering_dt = self.rendering_dt,
stage_units_in_meters = self.env_config["env"]["world"]["stage_unit_in_meters"],
device = "cuda",
backend = "torch",
# set up the physics context
self.physics_context = PhysicsContext(
prim_path = self.env_config["env"]["world"]["physics_prim_path"],
device = "cuda",
backend = "torch",
if self.physics_context.use_gpu_pipeline:
set_carb_setting(self.world._settings, "/persistent/omnihydra/useSceneGraphInstancing", True)