Is Robot Engine Bridge removed in Isaac Sim 2022.1.0?

Hello, I want to migrate my project from the previous Isaac Sim version (2021.2.1) to the current version (2022.1.0). However, I can’t find a button to enable Robot Engine Bridge and the contents of REB in Isaac Sim doc anymore. Is it becomes an unsupported module? What is the substitute for REB in the future release?

They did messed up a bunch of stuff. Essentially, many things have been not only deprecated but removed from 2022.1.0. So whatever code you had, probably is not working.

One example? “ROSBridgeCreateClock” is nowhere to be found (while examples still use that).
Another? simulation_context.start_simulation() under physx
Another one? the imu sensor.
Another one?

2022-06-06 08:35:56 [265,013ms] [Error] [carb.flatcache.plugin] Error: UsdRelationship /World/Carter_ROS/ActionGraph/ros1_publish_transform_tree_01.inputs:targetPrims has multiple targets, which is not supported

2022-06-06 08:35:57 [265,130ms] [Warning] [carb] Acquiring non optional plugin interface which is not listed as dependency: [omni::isaac::core_nodes v1.0] (plugin: (null)), by client: omni.isaac.core_nodes. Add it to CARB_PLUGIN_IMPL_DEPS() macro of a client.
2022-06-06 08:35:57 [265,243ms] [Warning] [carb] Acquiring non optional plugin interface which is not listed as dependency: [omni::isaac::core_nodes v1.0] (plugin: (null)), by client: omni.isaac.core_nodes. Add it to CARB_PLUGIN_IMPL_DEPS() macro of a client.
2022-06-06 08:35:57 [265,246ms] [Error] [omni.graph] Tried to set a value on AttributeData 'inputs:jointNames' of type 'token' with incompatible data (Unable to cast Python instance to C++ type (compile in debug mode for details))
2022-06-06 08:35:57 [265,246ms] [Error] [omni.graph] AttributeError: Attempted to get array size of non-array attribute inputs:jointNames

  /home/ebonetto/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2022.1.0/kit/exts/omni.graph/omni/graph/core/_impl/ get_array_size
  /home/ebonetto/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2022.1.0/exts/omni.isaac.core_nodes/omni/isaac/core_nodes/ogn/ jointNames
  /home/ebonetto/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2022.1.0/kit/exts/omni.graph/omni/graph/core/_impl/ __setattr__
  /home/ebonetto/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2022.1.0/exts/omni.isaac.core_nodes/omni/isaac/core_nodes/ogn/ initialize

2022-06-06 08:35:57 [265,246ms] [Error] [omni.graph] Tried to set a value on AttributeData 'inputs:angularVelocity' of type 'token' with incompatible data (Unable to cast Python instance to C++ type (compile in debug mode for details))
2022-06-06 08:35:57 [265,246ms] [Error] [omni.graph] Tried to set a value on AttributeData 'inputs:linearVelocity' of type 'token' with incompatible data (Unable to cast Python instance to C++ type (compile in debug mode for details))
2022-06-06 08:35:57 [265,370ms] [Warning] [carb.flatcache.plugin] Error: array of rel not yet supported
2022-06-06 08:35:57 [265,370ms] [Error] [carb.flatcache.plugin] Error: /World/Carter_ROS/ActionGraph/make_array.__resolved_outputs:array UsdRelationship not supported in GetPrimArrayAttr

this is what I get from running the simulation example of ros navigation.

The REB bridge has been removed, we will bring back some limited support fir it in the next release, but we will not support REB in the long term

How we connect the Isaac SDK Application to Isaac SIM if REB is removed in Isaac sim 2022.
Please Guide to launch application Isaac SDK Application carter navigation.

The ISaac SDK is going through some major changes, so either you can switch to ROS or use the older version of Isaac Sim. As I mentioned we will bring back limited support with the next release, but this will be our last release with Isaac SDK support

Will Isaac SDK be discontinued?

The documentation for Isaac Sim earlier versions is no where to be found. It is really difficult to work with older version (ISAAC Sim 2021.2.1 ) without having any documentation. Can you please direct me to an archive where I can find it?

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you are right at the moment we don’t provide archive of old docs

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