Is there any difference between the two IIC buses of Xavier?

Hello all great people,
Can one share any information if there is any hardware differences between two IIC buses of Xavier. I am using multiple IIC single-point LiDARs, they work on one bus but dont work on another bus. Once the sensors are connected to it, the bus gets corrupted. So I think there are some differences in these buses?
If anyone has some information can you please share with me?
Thank you

Do you mean i2c bus? Which bus working which bus get corrupted?

Thank you for your reply.
The channel that fails to work is the Number 8. The channel that’s working fine is Number 1.

Do you have any idea please. Is there any difference between these two buses?

Do you mean I2C1(Gen1_I2C) and I2C4 (Gen8_I2C)? Both are same 1.8V level. Did you check the OEM DG for I2C info? Are you testing on devkit? Can I2C4 be handled normally without your Lidar device? If so, it could be the load capacitance issue which should be less than 400pF load in total.

Yes we are using Nvidia Jetson AGX Xavier Developer Kit.

Did you check the OEM DG for I2C info?

Where to check please?

Can I2C4 be handled normally without your Lidar device?

We didnt check another device but only LiDARs.

could be the load capacitance issue

But here arises a question, if this is the issue of capacitance then why channel 1 has no issue?

One bus works but another does not.

Please find the Xavier docs in DLC: Jetson Download Center | NVIDIA Developer

Can I2C4 be handled without ANY device attached (using oscilloscope to observe the I2C signals)? If can, it means I2C4 has no problem then.

There are several other devices on I2C4 bus, but no on I2C1, so the total capacitance of I2C4 is more than I2C1.