Isaac Sim Version
Operating System
Ubuntu 22.04
Topic Description
Detailed Description
How to use OmniGraph Node for custom complex ROS msg format.
For example, I have a package called my_interfaces, which contains the following two msgs, MyJointState.msg and Joint.msg
The content of MyJointState.msg is as follows:
my_interfaces/Joint[7] left_arm_joints
geometry_msgs/Pose left_arm_pose
The content of msg and Joint.msg is as follows:
float32 joint_position
float32 joint_speed
float32 joint_current
float32 joint_torque
float32 joint_control
When I tried to follow the documentation(ROS 2 Generic Publisher and Subscriber), I found that:
- The left_arm_joints in MyJointState.msg cannot be displayed properly because it depends on Joint.msg
- The left_arm_pose in MyJointState.msg is displayed normally because it is a common field in ROS.
Special note: the above is an example to help you understand my problem, that is, there is a complex msg with A nested in B. The actual situation is more complicated than this.
How can I solve the above problem? Thank you for your reply!