--reset-user "Failed to acquire IWindowing interface" but cannot be run --headless

I have just updated isaac-sim from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0 and according to this IsaacLab installation guide I should run --reset-user 

If I’ve had a different version of isaac-sim previously. However, since I am using the container version and not the workstation version I get the error “Failed to acquire IWindowing interface” which I normally get when I forget to do --headless or --livestream=2. But the --reset-user script does not have the option to add any of these arguments.

  • How can I execute this script when I am using the container version?
  • Is it impossible to upgrade isaac-sim versions on the container version?
  • Do I not need to do --reset-user to upgrade versions?

As additional context: My IsaacLab has stopped working after my upgrade, I can no longer do

from rl_games.common import env_configurations, vecenv

which is why I am looking into whether/how to do --reset-user

The IsaacLab python import issue is separate from this issue, but here is a link.

Hi @Aemperior123 ,

Thank you for the post.

This error happens when isaac-sim cannot detect the display system.
Do you have Desktop (X11) launched in your workstation?
You can add DISPLAY=:0 if the desktop exist.
