Issue Installing Required GXF Extensions


I am encountering an error while attempting to install the required GXF extensions using the following command:

registry extn install -e MultimediaExtension

Here are the commands I executed:

registry extn install -e StandardExtension
registry extn install -e PythonCodeletExtension
registry extn install -e MultimediaExtension
registry extn install -e SampleExtension

The installation works fine for the other extensions, but the MultimediaExtension fails with the following error:

2024-11-25 16:40:57,689 - Registry - ERROR - File download failed /home/anavid-server/.cache/nvgraph_workspace/gxf/multimedia/py_srcs.tar.gz
2024-11-25 16:40:57,690 - Registry - ERROR - Failed to download py srcs for extension: MultimediaExtension:2.3.0
Failed to install extension MultimediaExtension:None

I referred to the official documentation:
NVIDIA Metropolis Graph Tools Guide

However, I could not find a clear solution to this issue. Here are the steps I have already tried:

Verified internet connectivity.
Cleared the cache at the following location:

rm -rf /home/anavid-server/.cache/nvgraph_workspace

Retried the installation command.

Despite these attempts, the issue persists.

I used deepstram 6.3.
Could you please assist me in resolving this problem?
Thank you in advance for your support.

Hi @amine.ghamgui.anavid ,
We suggest you to raise this request in Deepstream Forum.
