Issue with Gigabyte Nvidia 1050 Ti graphics card settings

Years ago when I got the Gigabyte Nvidia 1050 Ti graphics card. I had issues with my screen flickering black for half a second on Windows 10. I eventually was able to resolve this issue by changing the cache shader size limit to unlimited and power management mode to prefer maximum performance.

After installing Linux the same issue has occurred and I’ve tried to make similar changes in the Linux Nvidia x server settings menu but the issue persists. Does anyone have any ideas?

For a bit of background on things I have already tested years ago and didn’t work.
completely different PC
new monitor
more RAM
upgrading the power supply to 650W
complete fresh install of windows 10
plugging the computer into an outlet that runs to a different circuit breaker.
plugging it straight into an outlet instead of a power strip.
checked event viewer for any logs. there are no relevant logs nor any logs around the time of a black screen flicker.
checked RAM, CPU, GPU, and Ethernet usage for any pattern. there was none.
tried different older releases of Nvidia drivers.
Had the graphics card replaced for a new one of the same make and model.

I know I’m probably forgetting a lot of things that I’ve tested since it was so long ago but that’s what I can recall.

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Hi Emperor,

I have an Nvidia GTX1050ti card with dual screens and running W11 and have exactly the same error - random screen blanking when running videos. Its so annoying - even when joining a Teams meeting the same thing was happening today. I’ve applied the settings you mention above and will report back on my findings.

I am using the most up-to-date Driver version 566.36.
