JetPack 4.3 install Host component of Computer Vision for AGX xavier board failed!

The JetPack4.3 install agx xavier board host component of computer version task could be success one years ago. I tried many times success done one years ago.
But recently. it fails always. I did try on sdkmanager both (sdkmanager_1.0.0-5517_amd64.deb) and (sdkmanager_1.1.0-6343_amd64.deb).

The result is always failed and the error shows in log is:
14:15:29 ERROR : VisionWorks on Host : E: Version ‘*’ for ‘libvisionworks’ was not found
14:15:29 INFO : VisionWorks on Host : E
14:15:29 ERROR : VisionWorks on Host : : Version ‘*’ for ‘libvisionworks-dev’ was not found
14:15:29 INFO : VisionWorks on Host : E: Version ‘*’ for ‘libvisionworks-samples’ was not found
14:15:29 INFO : VisionWorks on Host : [ Package Install Finished with Error ]
14:15:29 INFO : VisionWorks on Host : [ 256.95 MB used. Disk Avail: 49.98 GB ]
14:15:29 INFO : VisionWorks on Host : [ NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP Install took 13s ]
14:15:29 ERROR : VisionWorks on Host : [error]: Error when apt install failed; [exec_command]: sudo apt-get update; sleep 0.5; sudo apt-get -y install libvisionworks=* libvisionworks-dev=* libvisionworks-samples=* ; [error]: exit status 100; [deb_path]: /home/testpvcam/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/libvisionworks-repo_1.6.0.500n_amd64.deb
14:15:29 INFO : VisionWorks on Host :
14:15:29 ERROR : VisionWorks on Host : command terminated with error
14:15:29 ERROR : VisionWorks on Host : Install ‘VisionWorks on Host’ failure, command < using adapter to install NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP@host to /home/testpvcam/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.3_Linux > terminated with error.

I uploaded the full log file from sdkmanager of this operation.
added .log in the end of name of original file . Please remove the .log string and unzip it.

Please help if you know the reason. (208.4 KB)