The JetPack4.3 install agx xavier board host component of computer version task could be success one years ago. I tried many times success done one years ago.
But recently. it fails always. I did try on sdkmanager both (sdkmanager_1.0.0-5517_amd64.deb) and (sdkmanager_1.1.0-6343_amd64.deb).
The result is always failed and the error shows in log is:
14:15:29 ERROR : VisionWorks on Host : E: Version ‘*’ for ‘libvisionworks’ was not found
14:15:29 INFO : VisionWorks on Host : E
14:15:29 ERROR : VisionWorks on Host : : Version ‘*’ for ‘libvisionworks-dev’ was not found
14:15:29 INFO : VisionWorks on Host : E: Version ‘*’ for ‘libvisionworks-samples’ was not found
14:15:29 INFO : VisionWorks on Host : [ Package Install Finished with Error ]
14:15:29 INFO : VisionWorks on Host : [ 256.95 MB used. Disk Avail: 49.98 GB ]
14:15:29 INFO : VisionWorks on Host : [ NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP Install took 13s ]
14:15:29 ERROR : VisionWorks on Host : [error]: Error when apt install failed; [exec_command]: sudo apt-get update; sleep 0.5; sudo apt-get -y install libvisionworks=* libvisionworks-dev=* libvisionworks-samples=* ; [error]: exit status 100; [deb_path]: /home/testpvcam/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/libvisionworks-repo_1.6.0.500n_amd64.deb
14:15:29 INFO : VisionWorks on Host :
14:15:29 ERROR : VisionWorks on Host : command terminated with error
14:15:29 ERROR : VisionWorks on Host : Install ‘VisionWorks on Host’ failure, command < using adapter to install NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP@host to /home/testpvcam/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.3_Linux > terminated with error.
I uploaded the full log file from sdkmanager of this operation.
added .log in the end of name of original file . Please remove the .log string and unzip it.
Please help if you know the reason. (208.4 KB)