Jetpack 4.4 Visionworks on Host install fails

I am trying to install Jetpack 4.4 on my TX2 by using sdkmanager 1.2.0.
The install of Visionworks on Host fails every time with an install error.

14:50:46 INFO: VisionWorks on Host: E: Version '*' for 'libvisionworks-dev' was not found
14:50:46 INFO: VisionWorks on Host: E: Version '*' for 'libvisionworks-samples' was not found
14:50:46 INFO: VisionWorks on Host: [ Package Install Finished with Error ]
14:50:46 INFO: VisionWorks on Host: [ 116.00 KB used. Disk Avail: 188.06 GB ]
14:50:46 INFO: VisionWorks on Host: [ NV_VISIONWORKS_HOST_COMP Install took 13s ]
14:50:46 INFO: VisionWorks on Host:
14:50:46 SUMMARY: VisionWorks on Host: Failed to install debian repository file [host]

Logfiles (195.8 KB)

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Hi mtbsteve,

From the log, the visionworks repo is broken on your host system. You need clean up all visionworks residues on your host then retry.
Please use following steps:

  1. Run sudo dpkg -l | grep visionworks to list all visionworks packages.
  2. Run sudo dpkg --purge <visionworks_package_name> to remove the listed visionworks packages one by one.
  3. Reinstall with SDK Manager.
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Thanks! That solved the issue.