Jetpack 5.0.2 rebooting randomly on Jetson Xavier NX Dev kit

Hardware: Jetson Xavier NX Dev kit
Jetpack: 5.0.2
Issue: Random Reboots
I installed Jetpack 5.0.2 on Jetson Xavier NX Dev kit using Nvidia SDK Manager. I am seeing random reboots on the device. I have used Jetpack 4.6 on the dev kit earlier and I did not see this behavior.

I am attaching Serial logs of the system.

xavier_devkit_jp_5_0_2_normal_start_shutdown_start_shutdown.txt (133.4 KB)
Above logs show normal startup and shutdown of the system.

xavier_devkit_jp5_0_2_repeated_reboots_console_logs.txt (284.6 KB)
Above logs show repeated reboots of the system.

The reboot is easily reproducible.

The JetPack 5.0.2 is a bit old, please try to use the JetPack 5.1.3, there are couple reboot issues fixed in that version.

Thank you for the suggestion. We will try to switch to Jetpack 5.1.3.

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