Jetpack component install with jetpack5.0.1 DP on jetson xavier nx emmc module


Can I install jetpack component from jetson xavier nx emmc(16gb) module on jetpack 5.0.1 DP?
Even if you use the command below when the disk capacity is small, it seems that the capacity is insufficient.
I’m not sure which method to use.
What is Nvidia’s suggestion or recommendation?

Thank you.

Yes, you can use JetPAck 5.0.1 DP to install SW image and relevant SDKs on Xavier NX.

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Even if you delete firefox or libreoffice and install the jetpack component with the above command, it cannot be installed because of insufficient capacity.
Or is it possible to exclude unnecessary ones from the above command? whether it’s a sample
Is there any other way?

Thank you.

Hello, @kayccc

If you install jetpack component with the above command with 8.4 gigabytes remaining in emmc, the installation fails due to insufficient capacity.
please confirm

Thank you.

Hi Hodu,

The emmc Xavier-NX size is not enough to install sdk components.
Suggest you can use external device (ex: NVMe) to install.

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