Jetson AGX Loading Jetpak 4.5 from SDcard?

I am new to this so please pardon my ignorance. I have a AGX Xavier Development kit. I now assume it is different than the NX on how to install Jetpack. Using the NX Getting Started by mistake I download the image and used etcher to put it on a SD card. But when trying to boot to SD card it fails and all I see in a NVIDIA logo on and off the screen. I powered down and took out the SD card and powered it back on. Ubuntu 18.4 is loaded and working. I did not think there would be anything preloaded. There is no Jetpack which I expected. Just Ubuntu and Chrome.
Is there a way to load the Jetpack from SD card? Or only way is with a Linux box which I will have to build first. Only Windows and raspberry’s here.

thanks in advance

Hi 3dmapmaker,

Please also contact with Support - Connect Tech Inc.

I made a linux box and used that to install the Jetpack on the AGX.
I assumed since the other Xavier boards allow installing from the SD card the much more expensive and newer version would allow it also. I guess not.