We have been developing our system for several months with the Nvidia Jetson AGX DevKit.
It’s time to move on to production and we have a problem.
We are programmers, not hardware engineers, so we decided to use components available on market.
So we purchased Nvidia Jetson AGX CPU board and need some mother-board.
But we cannot find any good mother-boards.
We found at least 3 boards, but they all use a custom L2T with an old JetPack. Or some did not have MIPI lines to connect leopardimaging.com cameras.
So our question is, can we use a mother-board from DevKit in production?
Are there any problems with this?
For example, we buy Jetson AGX CPU Board + Jetson AGX DevKit products and combine them.
Or would you recommend a good production mother-board that is 100% the same as in DevKit?