Hi, I want to fix the following error.
I am trying to flash bsp on my Jetson AGX Xavier 32G and I am getting the error in the image below.
The flashing worked fine before.
How can I fix it?
The version is NVIDIA L4T 32.1 and I am using JetPack 4.2.
Hi hellena.ko,
Are you using the devkit or custom board for AGX Xavier?
Do you have any customization to cause this issue?
Please share the full flash log as file here for further check.
Hi KevinFFF,
I’m working with hellena.ko.
Attached is the log file below.
log_20250124.txt (31.5 KB)
Let me explain our situation.
- Work on a custom board for Jetson AGX Xavier.
- From 2019 to 2023, there was no problem when installing with jetpack 4.2.
- There was an issue when I flash with the Jetson AGX Xavier 32GB Module that I recently purchased.
- When flash to Jetpack 4.6.6, there was no issue and it was normal.
We finished a lot of work and verification in jetpack 4.2, so please help if there is no way to solve it in jetpack 4.2.
I tried the file in the link below in jetpack4.2.
There was no problem with flash, but it didn’t boot and only showed the nvidia logo screen.
A display error message was seen in kernel log.
Do you mean that you want to keep using Jetpack 4.2?
I think the issue may be relating to new module with PCN.
Could you share the cat /etc/nv_boot_control.conf
when you use new module+JP4.6.6?
and the result of this command when you use old module+JP4.2?
Please share the full serial console log after you apply the overlay.