Is jetpack consume that much of space? I am wonder how entire memory got consumed?
Can anyone suggest what to do in this case?
I believe, when we uninstall Jetpack, agx go into factory reset mode. Is that correct?
I did jetpack installation multiple times. Can it be a cause?
Do memory cleaned up once we uninstall jetpack?
If you want upgrade from R32(jp4) to R35(jp5), you don’t need to uninstall the old one.
Just follow the instruction here to upgrade through apt.
It looks like the eMMC of your board has been full (27G/28G).
I’m not sure what you have done on this board.
At this moment, I would suggest you to re-flash the board directly with clean JetPack5.0.2 through SDKM if you are using the devkit.
Yes, please follow this instruction.
In brief, the command should be as follow for your Xavier devkit $ sudo ./ jetson-agx-xavier-devkit mmcblk0p1
I finished installing jetpack v5.0.2.
I used sdkmanager to install it for now.
What I realised that the jetpack 5.0.2 utilities alot of disk storage. I installed full jetpack 5.0.2 and below is the disk consumption.
As m not left with enough disk space, best would be to install additional memory.
I have got a NVMe SSD. Perhaps all remaining installation should go on additional disk space.