I am wondering whether a Jetson AGX Xavier either the Industrial or the 64GB version is able to carry out Real Time FFT at the rate of 110 MSPS.
If not at 110MSPS at what rate could it operate?
Thank you
Welcome to the NVIDIA Developer forums! Your topic will be best served in the Jetson category.
I will move this post over for visibility.
We test R2C / C2R FFT-based convolution on a Xavier 32GB device and below is the output:
$ ./convolutionFFT2D
[./convolutionFFT2D] - Starting...
GPU Device 0: "Xavier" with compute capability 7.2
Testing built-in R2C / C2R FFT-based convolution
...allocating memory
...generating random input data
...creating R2C & C2R FFT plans for 2048 x 2048
...uploading to GPU and padding convolution kernel and input data
...transforming convolution kernel
...running GPU FFT convolution: 1439.366656 MPix/s (2.779000 ms)
...reading back GPU convolution results
...running reference CPU convolution
...comparing the results: rel L2 = 8.680021E-08 (max delta = 8.227172E-07)
L2norm Error OK
...shutting down
Testing custom R2C / C2R FFT-based convolution
...allocating memory
...generating random input data
...creating C2C FFT plan for 2048 x 1024
...uploading to GPU and padding convolution kernel and input data
...transforming convolution kernel
...running GPU FFT convolution: 1281.229989 MPix/s (3.122000 ms)
...reading back GPU FFT results
...running reference CPU convolution
...comparing the results: rel L2 = 1.067915E-07 (max delta = 9.817303E-07)
L2norm Error OK
...shutting down
Testing updated custom R2C / C2R FFT-based convolution
...allocating memory
...generating random input data
...creating C2C FFT plan for 2048 x 1024
...uploading to GPU and padding convolution kernel and input data
...transforming convolution kernel
...running GPU FFT convolution: 1542.019986 MPix/s (2.594000 ms)
...reading back GPU FFT results
...running reference CPU convolution
...comparing the results: rel L2 = 1.065127E-07 (max delta = 9.817303E-07)
L2norm Error OK
...shutting down
Test Summary: 0 errors
Test passed
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