Jetson nano 1020 CAN protocol enable

CAN BUS on Jetson nano J1020 v2.

According to the documentation, a CAN bus is available on the ReComputer J1020 v2. However, I haven’t found any instructions for setting it up. How can I do it?*r5ipts*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE3Mzc5NzkzMzUuRUFJYUlRb2JDaE1JMEtxU3YtMlZpd01WbU1OTUFoMW11RFBPRUFBWUFTQUFFZ0pITlBEX0J3RQ_gcl_auNDcyNjM1NDY1LjE3Mzc5NzYyNTM.

Hi elaiya33,

It seems you are using custom board from SeeedStudio.

Are you using ReComputer J1020 v2 or ReComputer J3010?
Jetson Nano and Orin Nano are from different platform and release.

Have you also asked your vendor for the usage of CAN bus on the custom carrier board?