Jetson Nano 2GB Board Not Powering On After Accidental Overvoltage


I have a Jetson Nano 2GB board with carrier board model number P3542-A02. Unfortunately, I accidentally connected a 12V power supply instead of the required 5V, and after that, the board stopped powering on.

After troubleshooting, I noticed that when I touch the SYS_RST pin, the LED on the carrier board lights up. Based on previous discussions on the forums, I understand that the schematic for this particular carrier board (P3542-A02) has not been released, and only the schematic for the P3449 model is available.

I suspect that the 3.3V regulator on the board may have been damaged since I’m seeing 0V on the 3.3V output. However, since the schematic for this board is not available, I wasn’t able to locate the 3.3V regulator.

Could you please provide guidance on which components might have been damaged? Additionally, if possible, could you reference the equivalent parts or sections in the P3449 schematic available on the website, as it may help me in identifying the damaged components?

Thank you for your assistance.

Could you share a photo of your board? There is no P3542 as you can see in

What are the Part Numbers for Jetson products?

(Jetson FAQ | NVIDIA Developer)

As you requested, I have attached a photo of my Jetson Nano board. The model number of the carrier board is P3541 and the full model number is P3541 180-13542-DAAF-A02. I apologize for the earlier confusion.

Can it work with USB 5V? Seems some voltage converter or load switch are damaged.

Thank you for your response. The board does not power on either with USB 5V or when using the board’s power pins. The only time the LED on the carrier board lights up is when I touch the SYS_RST pin. However, when I insert the main board into the carrier board, the LED goes off and the board does not function.
I suspect the 3.3V regulator may be damaged. Unfortunately, since the schematic for this board is not available, I couldn’t locate the regulator on the board.

Could you please inform me where the voltage converters and load switches are located on the board? Additionally, if you could provide the part numbers or similar components in the available schematic, that would be very helpful.

First, this kind of insertion is not allowed since carrier board is supplied.

You can refer to P3449_B01 schematic and assembly file to check the power components of your board. They most are same, like the load switch U58, TPS25944L. It is highly suspected that U58 is damaged as you can see in the schematic.

Can you tell me which IC corresponds to U58 on my carrier board (P3541)? I understand that the schematic might be similar, but the IC numbers is different on my board.

It is U58 too.

Thank you for providing the schematic. However, it seems that the schematic you sent might not correspond to my board, as I couldn’t locate a U58 component, nor does the layout match the components on my board. I have attached a picture of my board for your reference.

Could you please confirm if this schematic is indeed for my board, or if I might need a different one?

You can refer to below schematic to check the 5V related parts.

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