Jetson Nano module not working on custom carrier board

I’ve looked at all the available docs for the Jetson Nano Devkit and even the accessible 3rd party designs (GitHub - antmicro/jetson-nano-baseboard: Antmicro's open hardware baseboard for the NVIDIA Jetson Nano, TX2 NX and Xavier NX), but I still cannot get the Nano working on my custom designed carrier board.

Based on the available designs and docs, I believe the Nano only needs GND and 5V for the specified pins and 5V to the POWER_EN pin and it should work right away (since the other management pins are pulled-up/down internally). I measure the correct voltage levels on these pins btw (1.8V on SYS_RST*, 5V on SHUTDOWN_REQ etc.)

The Nano works just fine when I insert it into the Devkit (I wrote a script that starts automatically and toggles a GPIO), but it doesn’t do anything on my board.I use the same power supply for both carrier boards, so that shouldn’t be an issue. I also measured the current consumption, and I experienced the following pattern with the official devkit: 0mA → ~300mA → ~900mA → ~250mA (normal operation), but on my design, it doesn’t go above 300mA that makes me believe it cannot finish it’s booting process (or whatever normal sequence).

Is there anything I missed that is crucial for the Nano to turn on as expected?

Any help is much appreciated!


Hi, not sure about the difference between your design and reference, but POWER_EN should be enabled after the
carrier board has ensured the main supply is stable and the associated decoupling capacitors have charged.


That is insured, in fact, I pull the POWER_EN high only seconds after the main power, but it doesn’t boot up properly (I can’t even see any boot logs on the sdcard)

Besides that, can you assure me that the Nano only needs 5V, GND and POWER_EN (while the other pins are left floating) to turn on?

Thank you so much for you help!

Yes, basically that is enough for power on. Did you test manually pull up POWER_EN to high after 5V is stable? As you can see in reference schematic, there is buffer design from 5V enabled to POWER_EN enabled.

Yes, I’m doing the EN pullup manually.

Did you see power rails of carrier board up? Is there any log info output? If possible, can you share parts of the schematic for check?

Hi adam7wrsb,

Have you managed to get issue resolved? Any result can be shared?

Trumany and kayccc!

Your help is very much appreciated!
I uploaded the schematic and the PCB file here (Altium Designer files):

For confidential reasons, I removed the parts not related to my current problem. Just as a reminder: I’m trying to turn on the Nano on a completely empty board, only the 5V_JET line is connected to a 5V, 3A power supply (no components are placed), while pulling the PWR_EN pin high manually a couple of seconds after I connected the power supply.

Let me know if I can give you more details about the design.

See your POWER_EN is pulled up to 5V_JET directly, that might be the root cause, please refer to ref SCH to make sure the POWER_EN is enabled after 5V is really stable.

I know that, that’s why I tried to pull the POWER_EN pin high manually (avoiding the pull-up resistor with a jumper wire) only seconds after the 5V is stable.

Have you checked the UART txd pin for any activity during power up?

Have you checked the 5v supply rise time is within spec?

Check with CRO and post results.

Chances are it is starting up but it’s not happy with an external input, maybe even something simple like the Rxd pin is low and stopping boot process.

Good luck.

Peter, thanks for the reply!

I did a quick measurement. It really seems like some parts of the module is alive, but it doesn’t want to boot up to Ubuntu (I checked the boot log in the nvidia devboard but nothing is showing up there):

(5v supply has been provided 5 seconds prior to POWER_EN going high)

I’ve added the 3 recommended bypass capacitors to 5V and GND but nothing changed.


Now I’m checking the serial debug output (UART2) and this is what I got for the first time:
(Left log is from a successful boot on the nvidia devkit, the right log is captured from my carrier board)

Some more tries, and the boot got even further. This is the first difference:
(Left log is from a successful boot on the nvidia devkit, the right log is captured from my carrier board)

And this is the conclusion:
(Left log is from a successful boot on the nvidia devkit, the right log is captured from my carrier board)]

And this is the full log, please check the last lines:

[0000.126] [TegraBoot] (version 00.00.2018.01-l4t-89b97a49)
[0000.131] Processing in cold boot mode Bootloader 2
[0000.136] A02 Bootrom Patch rev = 1023
[0000.140] Power-up reason: pmc por
[0000.143] No Battery Present
[0000.145] pmic max77620 reset reason
[0000.149] pmic max77620 NVERC : 0x40
[0000.152] RamCode = 0
[0000.154] Platform has DDR4 type RAM
[0000.158] max77620 disabling SD1 Remote Sense
[0000.162] Setting DDR voltage to 1125mv
[0000.166] Serial Number of Pmic Max77663: 0x1f11ec
[0000.174] Entering ramdump check
[0000.177] Get RamDumpCarveOut = 0x0
[0000.180] RamDumpCarveOut=0x0,  RamDumperFlag=0xe59ff3f8
[0000.185] Last reboot was clean, booting normally!
[0000.190] Sdram initialization is successful
[0000.194] SecureOs Carveout Base=0x00000000ff800000 Size=0x00800000
[0000.200] Lp0 Carveout Base=0x00000000ff780000 Size=0x00001000
[0000.206] BpmpFw Carveout Base=0x00000000ff700000 Size=0x00080000
[0000.212] GSC1 Carveout Base=0x00000000ff600000 Size=0x00100000
[0000.217] GSC2 Carveout Base=0x00000000ff500000 Size=0x00100000
[0000.223] GSC4 Carveout Base=0x00000000ff400000 Size=0x00100000
[0000.229] GSC5 Carveout Base=0x00000000ff300000 Size=0x00100000
[0000.235] GSC3 Carveout Base=0x000000017f300000 Size=0x00d00000
[0000.251] RamDump Carveout Base=0x00000000ff280000 Size=0x00080000
[0000.257] Platform-DebugCarveout: 0
[0000.260] Nck Carveout Base=0x00000000ff080000 Size=0x00200000
[0000.266] Non secure mode, and RB not enabled.
[0000.399] Csd NumOfBlocks=62333952
[0000.404] Set High speed to 1
[0000.407] Error mask set in wait for cmd complete with error 0x3 in HwSdmmcWait                                                                               ForCommandComplete func at 278 line
[0000.417] Command complete wait failed with error 0x3 Interrupt 0x18001
[0000.424] Number of retries left 4
[0000.436] Using GPT Primary to query partitions
[0000.440] Loading Tboot-CPU binary
[0000.453] Verifying TBC in OdmNonSecureSBK mode
[0000.463] Bootloader load address is 0xa0000000, entry address is 0xa0000258
[0000.470] Bootloader downloaded successfully.
[0000.474] Downloaded Tboot-CPU binary to 0xa0000258
[0000.479] MAX77620_GPIO5 configured
[0000.482] CPU power rail is up
[0000.485] CPU clock enabled
[0000.489] Performing RAM repair
[0000.492] Updating A64 Warmreset Address to 0xa00002e9
[0000.497] Loading NvTbootBootloaderDTB
[0000.535] Verifying NvTbootBootloaderDTB in OdmNonSecureSBK mode
[0000.600] Bootloader DTB Load Address: 0x83000000
[0000.604] Loading NvTbootKernelDTB
[0000.642] Verifying NvTbootKernelDTB in OdmNonSecureSBK mode
[0000.707] Kernel DTB Load Address: 0x83100000
[0000.713] Loading cboot binary
[0000.757] Verifying EBT in OdmNonSecureSBK mode
[0000.800] Bootloader load address is 0x92c00000, entry address is 0x92c00258
[0000.807] Bootloader downloaded successfully.
[0000.811] Next binary entry address: 0x92c00258
[0000.816] BoardId: 3448
[0000.821] Overriding pmu board id with proc board id
[0000.825] Display board id is not available
[0000.869] Verifying SC7EntryFw in OdmNonSecureSBK mode
[0000.920] /bpmp deleted
[0000.923] SC7EntryFw header found loaded at 0xff700000
[0001.111] OVR2 PMIC
[0001.113] Bpmp FW successfully loaded
[0001.119] WB0 init successfully at 0xff780000
[0001.123] Set NvDecSticky Bits
[0001.127] GSC2 address ff53fffc value c0edbbcc
[0001.133] GSC MC Settings done
[0001.138] TOS Image length 53680
[0001.141]  Monitor size 53680
[0001.144]  OS size 0
[0001.155] Secure Os AES-CMAC Verification Success!
[0001.159] TOS image cipher info: plaintext
[0001.163] Loading and Validation of Secure OS Successful
[0001.179] SC7 Entry Firmware - 0xff700000, 0x4000
[0001.184] NvTbootPackSdramParams: start.
[0001.189] NvTbootPackSdramParams: done.
[0001.193] Tegraboot started after 53780 us
[0001.197] Basic modules init took 796257 us
[0001.201] NvTbootQspiFlashIoctl: Opcode = 1 not supported
[0001.206] Sec Bootdevice Read Time = 622327755 ms, Read Size = 622327755 KB
[0001.213] Sec Bootdevice Write Time = 0 ms, Write Size = 0 KB
[0001.218] Storage Device Read Time = 181 ms, Read Size = 2241 KB
[0001.224] Storage Device Write Time = 0 ms, Write Size = 0 KB
[0001.229] Next stage binary read took 39817 us
[0001.234] Carveout took -51481 us
[0001.237] CPU initialization took 383271 us
[0001.241] Total time taken by TegraBoot 1167864 us

[0001.246] Starting CPU & Halting co-processor

64NOTICE:  BL31: v1.3(release):a28d87f09
NOTICE:  BL31: Built : 16:52:46, Jul 16 2019
ERROR:   Error initializing runtime service trusty_fast
[0001.368] RamCode = 0
[0001.372] LPDDR4 Training: Read DT: Number of tables = 2
[0001.377] EMC Training (SRC-freq: 204000; DST-freq: 1600000)
[0001.390] EMC Training Successful
[0001.393] 408000 not found in DVFS table
[0001.400] RamCode = 0
[0001.403] DT Write: emc-table@204000 succeeded
[0001.409] DT Write: emc-table@1600000 succeeded
[0001.413] LPDDR4 Training: Write DT: Number of tables = 2
[0001.457] Debug Init done
[0001.459] Marked DTB cacheable
[0001.462] Bootloader DTB loaded at 0x83000000
[0001.467] Marked DTB cacheable
[0001.470] Kernel DTB loaded at 0x83100000
[0001.474] DeviceTree Init done
[0001.486] Pinmux applied successfully
[0001.490] gicd_base: 0x50041000
[0001.494] gicc_base: 0x50042000
[0001.496] Interrupts Init done
[0001.501] Using base:0x60005090 & irq:208 for tick-timer
[0001.506] Using base:0x60005098 for delay-timer
[0001.510] platform_init_timer: DONE
[0001.514] Timer(tick) Init done
[0001.517] osc freq = 38400 khz
[0001.523] welcome to cboot
[0001.526] Cboot Version: 00.00.2018.01-t210-3a168c35
[0001.531] calling constructors
[0001.534] initializing heap
[0001.537] initializing threads
[0001.540] initializing timers
[0001.543] creating bootstrap completion thread
[0001.547] top of bootstrap2()
[0001.550] CPU: ARM Cortex A57
[0001.553] CPU: MIDR: 0x411FD071, MPIDR: 0x80000000
[0001.558] initializing platform
[0001.561] Scratch reg 37 & 271 initial value set..
[0001.567] cboot:secure-pmc present
[0001.570] Manufacturer: MF = 0xc2, ID MSB = 0x25
[0001.575] ID LSB = 0x36, ID-CFI len = 194 bytes
[0001.579] Macronix QSPI chip present
[0001.583] SPI device register
[0001.586] init boot device
[0001.588] allocating memory for boot device(SPI)
[0001.593] registering boot device
[0001.602] sdmmc node status = okay
[0001.605] sdcard instance = 0
[0001.608] sdcard gpio handle 0x56
[0001.612] sdcard gpio pin 0xc9
[0001.615] sdcard gpio flags 0x0
[0001.618] vmmc-supply 0x99
[0001.620] Instance: 0
[0001.622] Allocating memory for context
[0001.626] enabling clock
[0001.628] sd card init
[0001.631] Check card present and stable
[0001.635] Send command 0
[0001.659] Send command 3
[0001.663] Set RCA for the card
[0001.666] Query card specific data by command 9
[0001.673] Parse CSD data
[0001.675] Send command 7
[0001.686] Calling sd device register
[0001.689] Init sdcard
[0001.691] Allocating memory for boot device
[0001.695] Registering user device
[0001.708] Enable APE clock
[0001.711] Un-powergate APE partition
[0001.714] of_register: registering tegra_udc to of_hal
[0001.720] of_register: registering tegra_udc to of_hal
[0001.725] of_register: registering inv20628-driver to of_hal
[0001.730] of_register: registering ads1015-driver to of_hal
[0001.736] of_register: registering lp8557-bl-driver to of_hal
[0001.742] of_register: registering bq2419x_charger to of_hal
[0001.747] of_register: registering cpc to of_hal
[0001.752] of_register: registering bq27441_fuel_gauge to of_hal
[0001.763] gpio framework initialized
[0001.767] of_register: registering tca9539_gpio to of_hal
[0001.772] of_register: registering tca9539_gpio to of_hal
[0001.777] of_register: registering i2c_bus_driver to of_hal
[0001.783] of_register: registering i2c_bus_driver to of_hal
[0001.788] of_register: registering i2c_bus_driver to of_hal
[0001.794] of_register: registering i2c_bus_driver to of_hal
[0001.800] pmic framework initialized
[0001.803] of_register: registering max77620_pmic to of_hal
[0001.809] regulator framework initialized
[0001.812] of_register: registering tps65132_bl_driver to of_hal
[0001.818] initializing target
[0001.824] gpio_driver_register: register 'tegra_gpio_driver' driver
[0001.833] fixed regulator driver initialized
[0001.850] initializing OF layer
[0001.853] NCK carveout not present
[0001.856] Skipping dts_overrides
[0001.860] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c
[0001.877] I2C Bus Init done
[0001.879] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c
[0001.889] I2C Bus Init done
[0001.892] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c
[0001.902] I2C Bus Init done
[0001.905] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c
[0001.915] I2C Bus Init done
[0001.918] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c
[0001.928] I2C Bus Init done
[0001.931] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string maxim,max77620
[0001.941] max77620_init using irq 118
[0001.946] register 'maxim,max77620' pmic
[0001.950] gpio_driver_register: register 'max77620-gpio' driver
[0001.956] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c
[0001.967] I2C Bus Init done
[0001.970] NCK carveout not present
[0001.973] shim_invoke: No NCT, Calling dts updates
[0001.985] Find /i2c@7000c000's alias i2c0
[0001.989] get eeprom at 1-a0, size 256, type 0
[0001.997] Find /i2c@7000c500's alias i2c2
[0002.001] get eeprom at 3-a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.006] get eeprom at 3-ae, size 256, type 0
[0002.010] pm_ids_update: Updating 1,a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.015] I2C slave not started
[0002.018] I2C write failed
[0002.021] Writing offset failed
[0002.024] eeprom_init: EEPROM read failed
[0002.028] pm_ids_update: eeprom init failed
[0002.032] pm_ids_update: Updating 3,a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.062] pm_ids_update: The pm board id is 3448-0000-200
[0002.069] Adding plugin-manager/ids/3448-0000-200=/i2c@7000c500:module@0x50
[0002.076] pm_ids_update: pm id update successful
[0002.081] pm_ids_update: Updating 3,ae, size 256, type 0
[0002.086] I2C slave not started
[0002.089] I2C write failed
[0002.092] Writing offset failed
[0002.095] eeprom_init: EEPROM read failed
[0002.099] pm_ids_update: eeprom init failed
[0002.129] eeprom_get_mac: EEPROM invalid MAC address (all 0xff)
[0002.135] shim_eeprom_update_mac:267: Failed to update 0 MAC address in DTB
[0002.143] eeprom_get_mac: EEPROM invalid MAC address (all 0xff)
[0002.149] shim_eeprom_update_mac:267: Failed to update 1 MAC address in DTB
[0002.157] updating /chosen/nvidia,ethernet-mac node 00:04:4b:e5:3a:9e
[0002.164] Plugin Manager: Parse ODM data 0x00094000
[0002.174] shim_cmdline_install: /chosen/bootargs: root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rw rootwa                                                                               it rootfstype=ext4 console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=tty0 fbcon=map:0 net.ifnames=0                                                                               
[0002.195] Find /i2c@7000c000's alias i2c0
[0002.199] get eeprom at 1-a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.207] Find /i2c@7000c500's alias i2c2
[0002.211] get eeprom at 3-a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.216] get eeprom at 3-ae, size 256, type 0
[0002.220] pm_ids_update: Updating 1,a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.225] I2C slave not started
[0002.228] I2C write failed
[0002.231] Writing offset failed
[0002.234] eeprom_init: EEPROM read failed
[0002.238] pm_ids_update: eeprom init failed
[0002.242] pm_ids_update: Updating 3,a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.272] pm_ids_update: The pm board id is 3448-0000-200
[0002.279] Adding plugin-manager/ids/3448-0000-200=/i2c@7000c500:module@0x50
[0002.286] pm_ids_update: pm id update successful
[0002.290] pm_ids_update: Updating 3,ae, size 256, type 0
[0002.296] I2C slave not started
[0002.299] I2C write failed
[0002.301] Writing offset failed
[0002.304] eeprom_init: EEPROM read failed
[0002.308] pm_ids_update: eeprom init failed
[0002.338] Chip UID is 0000000164449448080000000b010040
[0002.343] Add serial number:14220190305900400001 as DT property
[0002.352] Applying platform configs
[0002.358] platform-init is not present. Skipping
[0002.363] calling apps_init()
[0002.388] Found 12 GPT partitions in "sd0"
[0002.392] Proceeding to Cold Boot
[0002.395] starting app android_boot_app
[0002.399] Device state: unlocked
[0002.402] display console init
[0002.410] could not find regulator
[0002.414] hdmi cable connected
[0002.446] DT entry for leds-pwm not found
[0004.424] I2C transfer timeout
[0004.427] I2C write failed
[0004.429] Writing offset failed
[0004.432] could not read edid
[0004.438] tmds-config node not found
[0004.442] pmc_set_io_pad_voltage: Error -2 retrieving platform-io-pad-voltagepr                                                                               opsetting 'avdd-io-hdmi-dp' regulator to 1050000 micro volts
[0004.457] setting 'vdd-1v8' regulator to 1800000 micro volts
[0004.465] could not find regulator
[0004.468] could not find regulator
[0004.471] could not find regulator
[0004.499] using default cmu settings
[0004.503] dc_hdmi_enable, starting HDMI initialisation
[0004.510] dc_hdmi_enable, HDMI initialisation complete
[0004.515] list and configure display window
[0004.519] display console init completed
[0004.527] subnode volume_up is not found !
[0004.531] subnode back is not found !
[0004.534] subnode volume_down is not found !
[0004.538] subnode menu is not found !
[0004.542] Gpio keyboard init success
[0004.574] found decompressor handler: lz4-legacy
[0004.588] decompressing blob (type 1)...
[0004.622] load_bmp_blob: panelresolution=480 type=0
[0004.662] decompressor handler not found
[0004.665] load_firmware_blob: Firmware blob loaded, entries=2
[0004.671] se_aes_verify_sbk_clear: Error
[0004.675] bl_battery_charging: connected to external power supply
[0004.682] xusb is supported
[0004.688] error while finding nvidia,portmap
[0004.694] could not find regulator
[0005.197] xusb blob version 0 size 124416
[0005.201] firmware size 124416
[0005.205] Firmware timestamp: 0x5cd2a472, Version: 50.22 release
[0005.213] xhci0: 64 bytes context size, 32-bit DMA
[0005.253] usbus0: 5.0Gbps Super Speed USB v3.0
[0005.273] uhub0: <Nvidia XHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 3.00/1.00, addr 1> on us                                                                               bus0
[0005.923] uhub0: 9 ports with 9 removable, self powered
[0006.923] failed to get HID devices
[0006.926] failed to init xhci or no usb device attached
[0006.934] device_query_partition_size: failed to open partition sd0:MSC !
[0006.940] MSC Partition not found
[0006.944] device_query_partition_size: failed to open partition sd0:USP !
[0006.950] USP partition read failed!
[0006.954] blob_init: blob-partition USP header read failed
[0006.959] android_boot Unable to update recovery partition
[0006.965] kfs_getpartname: name = LNX
[0006.968] Loading kernel from LNX
[0007.025] Verifying boot image in OdmNonSecureSBK mode
[0007.069] kernel load address: 0x80080000, size: 482032 bytes
[0007.074] ramdisk load address: 0x84100000, size: 0 bytes
[0007.080] load kernel from storage
[0007.091] decompressor handler not found
[0007.149] Successfully loaded kernel and ramdisk images
[0007.155] load_bmp_blob: panelresolution=480 type=0
[0007.228] display bmp image done
[0007.232] NCK carveout not present
[0007.235] Skipping dts_overrides
[0007.238] NCK carveout not present
[0007.241] shim_invoke: No NCT, Calling dts updates
[0007.253] Find /i2c@7000c000's alias i2c0
[0007.256] get eeprom at 1-a0, size 256, type 0
[0007.265] Find /i2c@7000c500's alias i2c2
[0007.269] get eeprom at 3-a0, size 256, type 0
[0007.273] get eeprom at 3-ae, size 256, type 0
[0007.278] pm_ids_update: Updating 1,a0, size 256, type 0
[0007.283] I2C slave not started
[0007.286] I2C write failed
[0007.289] Writing offset failed
[0007.292] eeprom_init: EEPROM read failed
[0007.296] pm_ids_update: eeprom init failed
[0007.300] pm_ids_update: Updating 3,a0, size 256, type 0
[0007.330] pm_ids_update: The pm board id is 3448-0000-200
[0007.337] Adding plugin-manager/ids/3448-0000-200=/i2c@7000c500:module@0x50
[0007.344] pm_ids_update: pm id update successful
[0007.349] pm_ids_update: Updating 3,ae, size 256, type 0
[0007.354] I2C slave not started
[0007.357] I2C write failed
[0007.360] Writing offset failed
[0007.363] eeprom_init: EEPROM read failed
[0007.367] pm_ids_update: eeprom init failed
[0007.397] eeprom_get_mac: EEPROM invalid MAC address (all 0xff)
[0007.403] shim_eeprom_update_mac:267: Failed to update 0 MAC address in DTB
[0007.411] eeprom_get_mac: EEPROM invalid MAC address (all 0xff)
[0007.417] shim_eeprom_update_mac:267: Failed to update 1 MAC address in DTB
[0007.425] updating /chosen/nvidia,ethernet-mac node 00:04:4b:e5:3a:9e
[0007.432] Plugin Manager: Parse ODM data 0x00094000
[0007.441] shim_cmdline_install: /chosen/bootargs: root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rw rootwait rootfstype=ext4 console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=tty0 fbcon=map:0 net.ifnames=0
[0007.456] Add serial number:14220190305900400001 as DT property
[0007.466] "bpmp" doesn't exist, creating
[0007.471] Updated bpmp info to DTB
[0007.476] Updated initrd info to DTB
[0007.480] "proc-board" doesn't exist, creating
[0007.485] Updated board info to DTB
[0007.488] "pmu-board" doesn't exist, creating
[0007.494] Updated board info to DTB
[0007.497] "display-board" doesn't exist, creating
[0007.503] Updated board info to DTB
[0007.506] "reset" doesn't exist, creating
[0007.511] Updated reset info to DTB
[0007.514] Cmdline: tegraid= ddr_die=4096M@2048M section=512M memtype=0 vpr_resize usb_port_owner_info=0 lane_owner_info=0 emc_max_dvfs=0 touch_id=0@63 video=tegrafb no_console_suspend=1 console=ttyS0,115200n8 debug_uartport=lsport,2 earlyprintk=uart8250-32bit,0x70006000 maxcpus=4 usbcore.old_scheme_first=1 lp0_vec=0x1000@0xff780000 core_edp_mv=1125 core_edp_ma=4000 tegra_fbmem=0x140000@0x92cb7000 is_hdmi_initialised=1
[0007.553] DTB cmdline: root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rw rootwait rootfstype=ext4 console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=tty0 fbcon=map:0 net.ifnames=0
[0007.565] boot image cmdline: root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rw rootwait rootfstype=ext4 console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=tty0 fbcon=map:0 net.ifnames=0
[0007.578] Updated bootarg info to DTB
[0007.582] Adding uuid 0000000164449448080000000b010040 to DT
[0007.588] Adding eks info 0 to DT
[0007.593] WARNING: Failed to pass NS DRAM ranges to TOS, err: -7
[0007.599] Updated memory info to DTB
[0007.607] set vdd_core voltage to 1125 mv
[0007.611] setting 'vdd-core' regulator to 1125000 micro volts
[0007.633] could not find regulator
[0007.637] Found secure-pmc; disable BPMP

U-Boot 2016.07-gd917e08cec (Jul 16 2019 - 16:52:59 -0700)

Model: NVIDIA P3450-Porg
Board: NVIDIA P3450-PORG
DRAM:  4 GiB
MMC:   Tegra SD/MMC: 0, Tegra SD/MMC: 1
Using default environment

In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
Net:   No ethernet found.
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
switch to partitions #0, OK
mmc1 is current device
Scanning mmc 1:1...
Found /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf
Retrieving file: /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf
733 bytes read in 73 ms (9.8 KiB/s)
L4T boot options
1:      primary kernel
Enter choice: 1:        primary kernel
Retrieving file: /boot/initrd
5562393 bytes read in 352 ms (15.1 MiB/s)
Retrieving file: /boot/Image
34179080 bytes read in 1540 ms (21.2 MiB/s)
append: tegraid= ddr_die=4096M@2048M section=512M memtype=0 vpr_resize usb_port_owner_info=0 lane_owner_info=0 emc_max_dvfs=0 touch_id=0@63 video=tegrafb no_console_suspend=1 console=ttyS0,115200n8 debug_uartport=lsport,2 earlyprintk=uart8250-32bit,0x70006000 maxcpus=4 usbcore.old_scheme_first=1 lp0_vec=0x1000@0xff780000 core_edp_mv=1125 core_edp_ma=4000 tegra_fbmem=0x140000@0x92cb7000 is_hdmi_initialised=1  root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rw rootwait rootfstype=ext4 console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=tty0 fbcon=map:0 net.ifnames=0    root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rw rootwait rootfstype=ext4 console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=tty0 fbcon=map:0 net.ifnames=0 quiet
## Flattened Device Tree blob at 83100000
   Booting using the fdt blob at 0x83100000
   reserving fdt memory region: addr=80000000 size=20000
   Using Device Tree in place at 0000000083100000, end 0000000083177282

Starting kernel ...

<hit enter to activate fiq debugger>
[    1.210043] imx219 6-0010: imx219_board_setup: error during i2c read probe (-121)
[    1.217610] imx219 6-0010: board setup failed
[0000.165] [TegraBoot] (version 00.00.2018.01-l4t-89b97a49)
[0000.171] Processing in cold boot mode Bootloader 2
[0000.175] A02 Bootrom Patch rev = 1023
[0000.179] Power-up reason: ap watchdog timeout
[0000.183] No Battery Present
[0000.186] pmic max77620 reset reason
[0000.189] pmic max77620 NVERC : 0x0
[0000.192] RamCode = 0
[0000.195] Platform has DDR4 type RAM
[0000.198] max77620 disabling SD1 Remote Sense
[0000.203] Setting DDR voltage to 1125mv
[0000.207] Serial Number of Pmic Max77663: 0x1f11ec
[0000.215] Entering ramdump check
[0000.218] Get RamDumpCarveOut = 0x0
[0000.221] RamDumpCarveOut=0x0,  RamDumperFlag=0xe59ff3f8
[0000.226] Last reboot was clean, booting normally!
[0000.231] Sdram initialization is successful
[0000.235] SecureOs Carveout Base=0x00000000ff800000 Size=0x00800000
[0000.241] Lp0 Carveout Base=0x00000000ff780000 Size=0x00001000
[0000.247] BpmpFw Carveout Base=0x00000000ff700000 Size=0x00080000
[0000.254] GSC1 Carveout Base=0x00000000ff600000 Size=0x00100000
[0000.260] GSC2 Carveout Base=0x00000000ff500000 Size=0x00100000
[0000.266] GSC4 Carveout Base=0x00000000ff400000 Size=0x00100000
[0000.272] GSC5 Carveout Base=0x00000000ff300000 Size=0x00100000
[0000.278] GSC3 Carveout Base=0x000000017f300000 Size=0x00d00000
[0000.298] RamDump Carveout Base=0x00000000ff280000 Size=0x00080000
[0000.304] Platform-DebugCarveout: 0
[0000.307] Nck Carveout Base=0x00000000ff080000 Size=0x00200000
[0000.313] Non secure mode, and RB not enabled.
[0000.447] Csd NumOfBlocks=62333952
[0000.452] Set High speed to 1
[0000.455] Error mask set in wait for cmd complete with error 0x3 in HwSdmmcWaitForCommandComplete func at 278 line
[0000.466] Command complete wait failed with error 0x3 Interrupt 0x18001
[0000.472] Number of retries left 4
[0000.487] Using GPT Primary to query partitions
[0000.494] Loading Tboot-CPU binary
[0000.506] Verifying TBC in OdmNonSecureSBK mode
[0000.517] Bootloader load address is 0xa0000000, entry address is 0xa0000258
[0000.525] Bootloader downloaded successfully.
[0000.529] Downloaded Tboot-CPU binary to 0xa0000258
[0000.534] MAX77620_GPIO5 configured
[0000.537] CPU power rail is up
[0000.540] CPU clock enabled
[0000.545] Performing RAM repair
[0000.548] Updating A64 Warmreset Address to 0xa00002e9
[0000.554] Loading NvTbootBootloaderDTB
[0000.591] Verifying NvTbootBootloaderDTB in OdmNonSecureSBK mode
[0000.691] Bootloader DTB Load Address: 0x83000000
[0000.696] Loading NvTbootKernelDTB
[0000.734] Verifying NvTbootKernelDTB in OdmNonSecureSBK mode
[0000.833] Kernel DTB Load Address: 0x83100000
[0000.840] Loading cboot binary
[0000.884] Verifying EBT in OdmNonSecureSBK mode
[0000.934] Bootloader load address is 0x92c00000, entry address is 0x92c00258
[0000.942] Bootloader downloaded successfully.
[0000.946] Next binary entry address: 0x92c00258
[0000.951] BoardId: 3448
[0000.958] Overriding pmu board id with proc board id
[0000.963] Display board id is not available
[0001.006] Verifying SC7EntryFw in OdmNonSecureSBK mode
[0001.074] /bpmp deleted
[0001.076] SC7EntryFw header found loaded at 0xff700000
[0001.315] OVR2 PMIC
[0001.317] Bpmp FW successfully loaded
[0001.323] WB0 init successfully at 0xff780000
[0001.328] Set NvDecSticky Bits
[0001.332] GSC2 address ff53fffc value c0edbbcc
[0001.341] GSC MC Settings done
[0001.346] TOS Image length 53680
[0001.349]  Monitor size 53680
[0001.352]  OS size 0
[0001.363] Secure Os AES-CMAC Verification Success!
[0001.368] TOS image cipher info: plaintext
[0001.372] Loading and Validation of Secure OS Successful
[0001.396] SC7 Entry Firmware - 0xff700000, 0x4000
[0001.400] NvTbootPackSdramParams: start.
[0001.407] NvTbootPackSdramParams: done.
[0001.411] Tegraboot started after 92828 us
[0001.415] Basic modules init took 898139 us
[0001.419] NvTbootQspiFlashIoctl: Opcode = 1 not supported
[0001.424] Sec Bootdevice Read Time = 622327755 ms, Read Size = 622327755 KB
[0001.431] Sec Bootdevice Write Time = 0 ms, Write Size = 0 KB
[0001.437] Storage Device Read Time = 183 ms, Read Size = 2241 KB
[0001.443] Storage Device Write Time = 0 ms, Write Size = 0 KB
[0001.448] Next stage binary read took 39879 us
[0001.453] Carveout took -54193 us
[0001.456] CPU initialization took 468238 us
[0001.460] Total time taken by TegraBoot 1352063 us

[0001.465] Starting CPU & Halting co-processor

64NOTICE:  BL31: v1.3(release):a28d87f09
NOTICE:  BL31: Built : 16:52:46, Jul 16 2019
ERROR:   Error initializing runtime service trusty_fast
[0001.587] RamCode = 0
[0001.592] LPDDR4 Training: Read DT: Number of tables = 2
[0001.597] EMC Training (SRC-freq: 204000; DST-freq: 1600000)
[0001.610] EMC Training Successful
[0001.613] 408000 not found in DVFS table
[0001.620] RamCode = 0
[0001.623] DT Write: emc-table@204000 succeeded
[0001.629] DT Write: emc-table@1600000 succeeded
[0001.633] LPDDR4 Training: Write DT: Number of tables = 2
[0001.682] Debug Init done
[0001.685] Marked DTB cacheable
[0001.688] Bootloader DTB loaded at 0x83000000
[0001.692] Marked DTB cacheable
[0001.695] Kernel DTB loaded at 0x83100000
[0001.699] DeviceTree Init done
[0001.711] Pinmux applied successfully
[0001.716] gicd_base: 0x50041000
[0001.719] gicc_base: 0x50042000
[0001.722] Interrupts Init done
[0001.726] Using base:0x60005090 & irq:208 for tick-timer
[0001.731] Using base:0x60005098 for delay-timer
[0001.736] platform_init_timer: DONE
[0001.739] Timer(tick) Init done
[0001.743] osc freq = 38400 khz
[0001.748] welcome to cboot
[0001.752] Cboot Version: 00.00.2018.01-t210-3a168c35
[0001.757] calling constructors
[0001.760] initializing heap
[0001.763] initializing threads
[0001.766] initializing timers
[0001.769] creating bootstrap completion thread
[0001.773] top of bootstrap2()
[0001.776] CPU: ARM Cortex A57
[0001.779] CPU: MIDR: 0x411FD071, MPIDR: 0x80000000
[0001.784] initializing platform
[0001.787] Scratch reg 37 & 271 initial value set..
[0001.793] cboot:secure-pmc present
[0001.797] Manufacturer: MF = 0xc2, ID MSB = 0x25
[0001.801] ID LSB = 0x36, ID-CFI len = 194 bytes
[0001.806] Macronix QSPI chip present
[0001.809] SPI device register
[0001.812] init boot device
[0001.815] allocating memory for boot device(SPI)
[0001.819] registering boot device
[0001.829] sdmmc node status = okay
[0001.832] sdcard instance = 0
[0001.835] sdcard gpio handle 0x56
[0001.838] sdcard gpio pin 0xc9
[0001.841] sdcard gpio flags 0x0
[0001.844] vmmc-supply 0x99
[0001.847] Instance: 0
[0001.849] Allocating memory for context
[0001.853] enabling clock
[0001.855] sd card init
[0001.857] Check card present and stable
[0001.861] Send command 0
[0001.886] Send command 3
[0001.890] Set RCA for the card
[0001.893] Query card specific data by command 9
[0001.899] Parse CSD data
[0001.902] Send command 7
[0001.912] Calling sd device register
[0001.916] Init sdcard
[0001.918] Allocating memory for boot device
[0001.922] Registering user device
[0001.935] Enable APE clock
[0001.938] Un-powergate APE partition
[0001.941] of_register: registering tegra_udc to of_hal
[0001.947] of_register: registering tegra_udc to of_hal
[0001.952] of_register: registering inv20628-driver to of_hal
[0001.957] of_register: registering ads1015-driver to of_hal
[0001.963] of_register: registering lp8557-bl-driver to of_hal
[0001.969] of_register: registering bq2419x_charger to of_hal
[0001.974] of_register: registering cpc to of_hal
[0001.979] of_register: registering bq27441_fuel_gauge to of_hal
[0001.990] gpio framework initialized
[0001.994] of_register: registering tca9539_gpio to of_hal
[0001.999] of_register: registering tca9539_gpio to of_hal
[0002.005] of_register: registering i2c_bus_driver to of_hal
[0002.010] of_register: registering i2c_bus_driver to of_hal
[0002.016] of_register: registering i2c_bus_driver to of_hal
[0002.021] of_register: registering i2c_bus_driver to of_hal
[0002.027] pmic framework initialized
[0002.031] of_register: registering max77620_pmic to of_hal
[0002.036] regulator framework initialized
[0002.040] of_register: registering tps65132_bl_driver to of_hal
[0002.046] initializing target
[0002.052] gpio_driver_register: register 'tegra_gpio_driver' driver
[0002.060] fixed regulator driver initialized
[0002.077] initializing OF layer
[0002.080] NCK carveout not present
[0002.084] Skipping dts_overrides
[0002.088] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c
[0002.104] I2C Bus Init done
[0002.107] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c
[0002.117] I2C Bus Init done
[0002.120] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c
[0002.130] I2C Bus Init done
[0002.133] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c
[0002.143] I2C Bus Init done
[0002.146] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c
[0002.156] I2C Bus Init done
[0002.159] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string maxim,max77620
[0002.169] max77620_init using irq 118
[0002.174] register 'maxim,max77620' pmic
[0002.178] gpio_driver_register: register 'max77620-gpio' driver
[0002.185] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c
[0002.195] I2C Bus Init done
[0002.199] NCK carveout not present
[0002.202] shim_invoke: No NCT, Calling dts updates
[0002.213] Find /i2c@7000c000's alias i2c0
[0002.217] get eeprom at 1-a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.226] Find /i2c@7000c500's alias i2c2
[0002.230] get eeprom at 3-a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.234] get eeprom at 3-ae, size 256, type 0
[0002.239] pm_ids_update: Updating 1,a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.244] I2C slave not started
[0002.247] I2C write failed
[0002.250] Writing offset failed
[0002.253] eeprom_init: EEPROM read failed
[0002.257] pm_ids_update: eeprom init failed
[0002.261] pm_ids_update: Updating 3,a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.291] pm_ids_update: The pm board id is 3448-0000-200
[0002.298] Adding plugin-manager/ids/3448-0000-200=/i2c@7000c500:module@0x50
[0002.305] pm_ids_update: pm id update successful
[0002.310] pm_ids_update: Updating 3,ae, size 256, type 0
[0002.315] I2C slave not started
[0002.318] I2C write failed
[0002.321] Writing offset failed
[0002.324] eeprom_init: EEPROM read failed
[0002.328] pm_ids_update: eeprom init failed
[0002.358] eeprom_get_mac: EEPROM invalid MAC address (all 0xff)
[0002.364] shim_eeprom_update_mac:267: Failed to update 0 MAC address in DTB
[0002.372] eeprom_get_mac: EEPROM invalid MAC address (all 0xff)
[0002.378] shim_eeprom_update_mac:267: Failed to update 1 MAC address in DTB
[0002.387] updating /chosen/nvidia,ethernet-mac node 00:04:4b:e5:3a:9e
[0002.393] Plugin Manager: Parse ODM data 0x00094000
[0002.403] shim_cmdline_install: /chosen/bootargs: root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rw rootwait rootfstype=ext4 console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=tty0 fbcon=map:0 net.ifnames=0
[0002.424] Find /i2c@7000c000's alias i2c0
[0002.428] get eeprom at 1-a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.437] Find /i2c@7000c500's alias i2c2
[0002.441] get eeprom at 3-a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.445] get eeprom at 3-ae, size 256, type 0
[0002.450] pm_ids_update: Updating 1,a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.455] I2C slave not started
[0002.458] I2C write failed
[0002.461] Writing offset failed
[0002.464] eeprom_init: EEPROM read failed
[0002.468] pm_ids_update: eeprom init failed
[0002.472] pm_ids_update: Updating 3,a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.502] pm_ids_update: The pm board id is 3448-0000-200
[0002.509] Adding plugin-manager/ids/3448-0000-200=/i2c@7000c500:module@0x50
[0002.516] pm_ids_update: pm id update successful
[0002.520] pm_ids_update: Updating 3,ae, size 256, type 0
[0002.526] I2C slave not started
[0002.529] I2C write failed
[0002.531] Writing offset failed
[0002.534] eeprom_init: EEPROM read failed
[0002.538] pm_ids_update: eeprom init failed
[0002.569] Chip UID is 0000000164449448080000000b010040
[0002.574] Add serial number:14220190305900400001 as DT property
[0002.582] Applying platform configs
[0002.588] platform-init is not present. Skipping
[0002.593] calling apps_init()
[0002.618] Found 12 GPT partitions in "sd0"
[0002.622] Proceeding to Cold Boot
[0002.625] starting app android_boot_app
[0002.629] Device state: unlocked
[0002.632] display console init
[0002.641] could not find regulator
[0002.644] hdmi cable connected
[0002.682] DT entry for leds-pwm not found
[0005.020] I2C transfer timeout
[0005.023] I2C write failed
[0005.026] Writing offset failed
[0005.029] could not read edid
[0005.035] tmds-config node not found
[0005.039] pmc_set_io_pad_voltage: Error -2 retrieving platform-io-pad-voltagepropsetting 'avdd-io-hdmi-dp' regulator to 1050000 micro volts
[0005.054] setting 'vdd-1v8' regulator to 1800000 micro volts
[0005.061] could not find regulator
[0005.064] could not find regulator
[0005.068] could not find regulator
[0005.096] using default cmu settings
[0005.100] dc_hdmi_enable, starting HDMI initialisation
[0005.106] dc_hdmi_enable, HDMI initialisation complete
[0005.111] list and configure display window
[0005.116] display console init completed
[0005.123] subnode volume_up is not found !
[0005.127] subnode back is not found !
[0005.131] subnode volume_down is not found !
[0005.135] subnode menu is not found !
[0005.139] Gpio keyboard init success
[0005.171] found decompressor handler: lz4-legacy
[0005.185] decompressing blob (type 1)...
[0005.219] load_bmp_blob: panelresolution=480 type=0
[0005.258] decompressor handler not found
[0005.262] load_firmware_blob: Firmware blob loaded, entries=2
[0005.268] se_aes_verify_sbk_clear: Error
[0005.272] bl_battery_charging: connected to external power supply
[0005.279] xusb is supported
[0005.285] error while finding nvidia,portmap
[0005.290] could not find regulator
[0005.794] xusb blob version 0 size 124416
[0005.798] firmware size 124416
[0005.802] Firmware timestamp: 0x5cd2a472, Version: 50.22 release
[0005.819] xhci0: 64 bytes context size, 32-bit DMA
[0005.859] usbus0: 5.0Gbps Super Speed USB v3.0
[0005.879] uhub0: <Nvidia XHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 3.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus0
[0006.529] uhub0: 9 ports with 9 removable, self powered
[0007.529] failed to get HID devices
[0007.532] failed to init xhci or no usb device attached
[0007.540] device_query_partition_size: failed to open partition sd0:MSC !
[0007.546] MSC Partition not found
[0007.550] device_query_partition_size: failed to open partition sd0:USP !
[0007.557] USP partition read failed!
[0007.560] blob_init: blob-partition USP header read failed
[0007.566] android_boot Unable to update recovery partition
[0007.571] kfs_getpartname: name = LNX
[0007.575] Loading kernel from LNX
[0007.632] Verifying boot image in OdmNonSecureSBK mode
[0007.682] kernel load address: 0x80080000, size: 482032 bytes
[0007.688] ramdisk load address: 0x84100000, size: 0 bytes
[0007.694] load kernel from storage
[0007.705] decompressor handler not found
[0007.762] Successfully loaded kernel and ramdisk images
[0007.769] load_bmp_blob: panelresolution=480 type=0
[0007.842] display bmp image done
[0007.846] NCK carveout not present
[0007.849] Skipping dts_overrides
[0007.852] NCK carveout not present
[0007.855] shim_invoke: No NCT, Calling dts updates
[0007.867] Find /i2c@7000c000's alias i2c0
[0007.871] get eeprom at 1-a0, size 256, type 0
[0007.879] Find /i2c@7000c500's alias i2c2
[0007.883] get eeprom at 3-a0, size 256, type 0
[0007.888] get eeprom at 3-ae, size 256, type 0
[0007.892] pm_ids_update: Updating 1,a0, size 256, type 0
[0007.897] I2C slave not started
[0007.900] I2C write failed
[0007.903] Writing offset failed
[0007.906] eeprom_init: EEPROM read failed
[0007.910] pm_ids_update: eeprom init failed
[0007.914] pm_ids_update: Updating 3,a0, size 256, type 0
[0007.944] pm_ids_update: The pm board id is 3448-0000-200
[0007.951] Adding plugin-manager/ids/3448-0000-200=/i2c@7000c500:module@0x50
[0007.959] pm_ids_update: pm id update successful
[0007.963] pm_ids_update: Updating 3,ae, size 256, type 0
[0007.969] I2C slave not started
[0007.972] I2C write failed
[0007.974] Writing offset failed
[0007.977] eeprom_init: EEPROM read failed
[0007.981] pm_ids_update: eeprom init failed
[0008.012] eeprom_get_mac: EEPROM invalid MAC address (all 0xff)
[0008.017] shim_eeprom_update_mac:267: Failed to update 0 MAC address in DTB
[0008.026] eeprom_get_mac: EEPROM invalid MAC address (all 0xff)
[0008.032] shim_eeprom_update_mac:267: Failed to update 1 MAC address in DTB
[0008.040] updating /chosen/nvidia,ethernet-mac node 00:04:4b:e5:3a:9e
[0008.047] Plugin Manager: Parse ODM data 0x00094000
[0008.056] shim_cmdline_install: /chosen/bootargs: root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rw rootwait rootfstype=ext4 console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=tty0 fbcon=map:0 net.ifnames=0
[0008.071] Add serial number:14220190305900400001 as DT property
[0008.081] "bpmp" doesn't exist, creating
[0008.086] Updated bpmp info to DTB
[0008.091] Updated initrd info to DTB
[0008.095] "proc-board" doesn't exist, creating
[0008.100] Updated board info to DTB
[0008.104] "pmu-board" doesn't exist, creating
[0008.109] Updated board info to DTB
[0008.112] "display-board" doesn't exist, creating
[0008.118] Updated board info to DTB
[0008.121] "reset" doesn't exist, creating
[0008.126] Updated reset info to DTB
[0008.129] Cmdline: tegraid= ddr_die=4096M@2048M section=512M memtype=0 vpr_resize usb_port_owner_info=0 lane_owner_info=0 emc_max_dvfs=0 touch_id=0@63 video=tegrafb no_console_suspend=1 console=ttyS0,115200n8 debug_uartport=lsport,2 earlyprintk=uart8250-32bit,0x70006000 maxcpus=4 usbcore.old_scheme_first=1 lp0_vec=0x1000@0xff780000 core_edp_mv=1125 core_edp_ma=4000 tegra_fbmem=0x140000@0x92cb7000 is_hdmi_initialised=1
[0008.169] DTB cmdline: root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rw rootwait rootfstype=ext4 console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=tty0 fbcon=map:0 net.ifnames=0
[0008.181] boot image cmdline: root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rw rootwait rootfstype=ext4 console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=tty0 fbcon=map:0 net.ifnames=0
[0008.194] Updated bootarg info to DTB
[0008.198] Adding uuid 0000000164449448080000000b010040 to DT
[0008.204] Adding eks info 0 to DT
[0008.209] WARNING: Failed to pass NS DRAM ranges to TOS, err: -7
[0008.215] Updated memory info to DTB
[0008.224] set vdd_core voltage to 1125 mv
[0008.227] setting 'vdd-core' regulator to 1125000 micro volts
[0008.249] could not find regulator
[0008.253] Found secure-pmc; disable BPMP

U-Boot 2016.07-gd917e08cec (Jul 16 2019 - 16:52:59 -0700)

Model: NVIDIA P3450-Porg
Board: NVIDIA P3450-PORG
DRAM:  4 GiB
MMC:   Tegra SD/MMC: 0, Tegra SD/MMC: 1
Using default environment

In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
Net:   No ethernet found.
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
Tegra210 (P3450-Porg) # ~▒▒▒▒

Hi Adam

Ok what might be happening is that you are using the Nano board that comes with your developers kit with your new custom board. Is this correct? If not then you can ignore the rest of my post.

The bad news is that you cannot use the developers kit board for your custom base board as there are approx 100 or so pins that are different!!! Yes believe it!! It sucks and it caught me out for a few days really.

You need to order production nano boards for your custom base board. It is the only way. The developers kit is useless and there are no schematics available for you to check this. The reference design schematics are a complete different kettle of fish.

It is quite stunning really that a custom board will boot at all somewhat with the dev kit board. Been there done that man. Oh what a time I had figuring this out.


1 Like

In fact your log is saying exactly that.

You have:
Adding plugin-manager/ids/3448-0000-200=/i2c@7000c500:module@0x50

You should have:
[0001.994] Adding plugin-manager/ids/3448-0002-400=/i2c@7000c500:module@0x50

3448-0000-200 is the devkit nano module.
3448-0002-400 is the production nano module.

WOW, that is really…interesting…please tell me that this is highlighted somewhere in the official docs. Can someone from NVIDIA confirm this?

I have 1 question though, you are saying that some pins are different between the devkit and the production version, but the pinout looks the same in the
Devkit schematics:
And in the Jetson Nano Product Design Guide:

Yep but fear not so much. You have done the correct thing by following the reference schematic and the design guide. The schematic to the dev kit board has never been published so that apparently nobody gets confused but that only confused me like crazy really. They have great stuff but sometimes it’s difficult to find the info you need.

The reference board schematic is NOT the schematic to the dev kit carrier board.

I am certain that when you plug-in a production nano module that your new board is going to burst into a wonderful life! The design guide and reference design schematic have the correct pin outs for the production nano module.

Thanks peterxr95h it’s really helpfull. NVIDIA, can you confirm this information?

Current docs in DLC are for custom carrier board design of production module. Devkit is only for customer development not for product. There are some pin-out difference between two modules. Customer should design their own carrier board based on OEM DG and reference schematic in DLC.

Did every thing works well when you plugged the production nano module?
I found some mistakes/errors in Jetson nano Product design 12:DP0_AUX_N 96 (actually 90)
Or the reference schematic is correct?