Jetson Nano Orin does not respond after reboot

Hi, I am using Jetson Nano Oring to do some data processing and machine learning. While I need to install the CProfileV. After pip install it in virtural environment, and diable the GUI and reboot it again.

But then I found, I cannot connect to it throug SSH, and cannot even find it through serial after connect it through typeC to my mac. Since I diabled the GUI, I cannot even see what happened through GUI.

I’ve also try to reset it through pin hearder (connect 9 and 10), but no thing happend. Now I feel like it a little bit hot, but the fan does not rotate, even the PWR grenn light is on.

After connect hdmi to screen after I power it, there is a wanning: test key is used and then the screen will shunt down. And I try to entery the recorver mode (connet pin 9 to pin 10 and then pulg power input), but the SDK Manager still cannot detect a board.

I even try to download nano orin image to a new sd card and insert to it. No thing changed. Is it a hardware issue? >_< really do not know what I should do

Does anyone have any solution about it? Appreciate it a lot!!!

The one I’m using now: Jetson Orin Nano Developer Kit Getting Started Guide | NVIDIA Developer

And I try to entery the recorver mode (connet pin 9 to pin 10 and then pulg power input), but the SDK Manager still cannot detect a board.

Generally, if you didnt flash jeston by using sdkmanager before, it could be

  1. usb cable quality issue

  2. host PC is vm so usb detection is not stable

  3. Put wrong cable in the wrong usb port…

  4. Device is actually not in recovery mode

You can check your host side kernel log and see if it prints anything new after you plug the usb cable.

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Hi, thank you so much for you answering! I solve the problem by reinstall the Orin nano image to SD card and set it up again, and then follow your answer in this blog:Orin Nano won't boot. "LT4Launcher attempting recovery boot",

Thank you very much!!!

But now I found that, every time when I open it, it will first hit LT4 launcher issue and winning with test keys, and then I will try to reboot again, after this second automatically reboot it will open normally. Is this correct? Or how could I solve this problem?

Thanks for your patient!!

But now I found that, every time when I open it, it will first hit LT4 launcher issue and winning with test keys, and then I will try to reboot again, after this second automatically reboot it will open normally. Is this correct? Or how could I solve this problem?

This sounds abnormal. I think you didn’t understand that post. That post is just a temporary solution. It does not really root cause the reason why you get crashed.

I see… Could I try to flash the board with SDK maganer? Will it solve the problem? Since Test key warnning is keeping showning every time during the boot, and I use mmc card to reload the image, it still doesn’t work. I saw your suugetion in this post: Jetson AGX Orin shows Test key warning when booting - #20 by WayneWWW
I’ll try to see if this solve the problem.


Just want to clarify, “Test key warnning is keeping showning every time” is not a bug.

It is just a log printed in every boot. Even a normal boot situation would have this log.
You can follow this page to operate the serial console on your board. If the console still responds to you, it means the board is booting up, but maybe the desktop gui cannot be launched due to some unknown reason which we can check after you dump the log.

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Hi Wayne. Thanks for clarify, after I refalsh it on SDK Manager, I got ‘Computer Vision’ Error on Host Componets

Is seems a VPI on Host error.
And my host computer is Ubuntu 18.04

You can choose not to install VPI on your host first… this is not related to jetson issue for now.


Hi Wayne, Currently the board could work, but every time when I reboot, it still shown this

Will this be the reason of the crash of OS? Or it will just influence the booting time(boot again)?
Here is the dmesg.log I got after boot.
dmesg.log (68.7 KB)


Please use the “micro usb” port to dump log but not the type C port. I need the log before kernel. So dmesg is not helping.

Also, just to clarify: is the console you saw just hang there or you can still operate the console and dump dmesg?

I am just not sure how you got dmesg only log.

Oh! Actually after it boot twice (first boot will get L4TLancher: Attempting direct boot, and then will go to the second boot), I could then enter the GUI and could even develop on it. Currently it works well during the development, it just will encounter twice boot every time when I power it.

This is the serial log during boot!
serial_log (132.3 KB)

Each of your line in the log file got truncated. Please read it by yourself first.
For example, you can see there is a fixed length cut for each line and the log after that cannot be read…

Adjust your terminal size and dump the log again…

it just will encounter twice boot every time when I power it.

Could you share the whole “twice boot” log here instead of only the one that can boot up fine?

Also, who triggered the second boot? Is it done by you or it is the system reboots itself?

I’m so sorry, it seems my save problem. Let me dump again

I think, actually it is “twice boot”, there is a large blank after first boot. And the sercond boot is down by the system, after the first boot, it will enter the L4TLauncher and automatically boot again.

This is new log (the blank between them indicts the second boot by itself)
log (85.2 KB)
And I check the log, I’m not sure, but does the problem happend around here?

The truth is there is only one boot iteration. No second boot and no error from your log,