I have read on this forum and in the documentation that the Jetson AGX Xavier can be powered on 12V and everything should work. However, when I run the Jetson Benchmark (GitHub - NVIDIA-AI-IOT/jetson_benchmarks: Jetson Benchmark), it only works with the provided 19V transformer. If I power the dev. kit in 12V with my 20A power supply, as soon as the current gets over ~2.2 - 2.5 A the dev. kit kills itself.
The same is true no matter if I power it using the back USB C port or the power Jack.
On the dev. kit, it is written: Input 9V 10A - 20V 4.5A, but that seems to be a lie.
Do you know if I can increase the current limit to be more than 2.5A ?
Thank you