Jetson TX2 NX problem with UART communication and flash

Hi, I have a problem with uart communication jetson tx2 nx. When I send data from jetson, on the computer I do not receive any data,and on reboot I get messages - I have exactly the same problem as here: TX2 NX RS232 Communication Problem.

I managed to enable THS2 with /boot/tegra186-p3636-0001-p3509-0000-a01-user-custom.dtb (at my place I have a different file) and disable bpmp-dtb port with /Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tegra186-bpmp-quill-p3310-1000-a00-00.dtb (also a different file), however I am not able to perform flash - Error: Invalid target board appears. I tried with:
unfortunately none of these work, how do I make a flash?

Hi scoob219,

Are you using the devkit or custom board for TX2-NX?
What’s the Jetpack version in use?

Which UART interface are you using?

Please share the full dmesg and device tree for further check.

This should be the correct board config for TX2-NX.