Jetson xavier nx jetpack6.1 sdkmanager installation error

My equipment is b01 carrier board and jetson xavier nx 16g emmc core board. I use an ubuntu18.04 computer to install jetpack4.6.1 for jetson with sdkmanager. However, an error occurred during installation.

18:13:29 INFO: VisionWorks on Target - target: Found file /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/libvisionworks-repo_1.6.0.501_arm64.deb with correct checksum, skip downloading.
18:13:29 INFO: cuDNN on Target - target: Found file /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/libcudnn8_8.2.1.32-1+cuda10.2_arm64.deb with correct checksum, skip downloading.
18:13:29 INFO: VisionWorks on Target - target: verifying checksum of /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/libvisionworks-tracking-repo_0.88.2.501_arm64.deb
18:13:29 INFO: NVIDIA Container Runtime with Docker integration (Beta) - target: verifying checksum of /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/nvidia-container-csv-cuda_10.2.460-1_arm64.deb
18:13:29 INFO: NVIDIA Container Runtime with Docker integration (Beta) - target: Found file /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/nvidia-container-csv-cuda_10.2.460-1_arm64.deb with correct checksum, skip downloading.
18:13:29 INFO: NVIDIA Container Runtime with Docker integration (Beta) - target: verifying checksum of /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/nvidia-container-csv-cudnn_8.2.1.32-1+cuda10.2_arm64.deb
18:13:29 INFO: VisionWorks on Target - target: Found file /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/libvisionworks-sfm-repo_0.90.4.501_arm64.deb with correct checksum, skip downloading.
18:13:29 INFO: NVIDIA Container Runtime with Docker integration (Beta) - target: verifying checksum of /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/nvidia-container-csv-tensorrt_8.2.1.8-1+cuda10.2_arm64.deb
18:13:29 INFO: NVIDIA Container Runtime with Docker integration (Beta) - target: Found file /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/nvidia-container-csv-cudnn_8.2.1.32-1+cuda10.2_arm64.deb with correct checksum, skip downloading.
18:13:29 INFO: NVIDIA Container Runtime with Docker integration (Beta) - target: verifying checksum of /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/nvidia-container-csv-visionworks_1.6.0.501_arm64.deb
18:13:29 INFO: NVIDIA Container Runtime with Docker integration (Beta) - target: Found file /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/nvidia-container-csv-tensorrt_8.2.1.8-1+cuda10.2_arm64.deb with correct checksum, skip downloading.
18:13:29 INFO: NVIDIA Container Runtime with Docker integration (Beta) - target: verifying checksum of /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/libnvidia-container0_0.10.0+jetpack_arm64.deb
18:13:29 INFO: VisionWorks on Target - target: Found file /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/libvisionworks-tracking-repo_0.88.2.501_arm64.deb with correct checksum, skip downloading.
18:13:29 INFO: NVIDIA Container Runtime with Docker integration (Beta) - target: verifying checksum of /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/libnvidia-container1_1.7.0-1_arm64.deb
18:13:29 INFO: NVIDIA Container Runtime with Docker integration (Beta) - target: Found file /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/nvidia-container-csv-visionworks_1.6.0.501_arm64.deb with correct checksum, skip downloading.
18:13:29 INFO: NVIDIA Container Runtime with Docker integration (Beta) - target: verifying checksum of /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/libnvidia-container-tools_1.7.0-1_arm64.deb
18:13:29 INFO: NVIDIA Container Runtime with Docker integration (Beta) - target: Found file /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/libnvidia-container1_1.7.0-1_arm64.deb with correct checksum, skip downloading.
18:13:29 INFO: NVIDIA Container Runtime with Docker integration (Beta) - target: verifying checksum of /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/nvidia-container-toolkit_1.7.0-1_arm64.deb
18:13:29 INFO: NVIDIA Container Runtime with Docker integration (Beta) - target: verifying checksum of /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/nvidia-container-runtime_3.7.0-1_all.deb
18:13:29 INFO: NVIDIA Container Runtime with Docker integration (Beta) - target: Found file /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/libnvidia-container-tools_1.7.0-1_arm64.deb with correct checksum, skip downloading.
18:13:29 INFO: NVIDIA Container Runtime with Docker integration (Beta) - target: verifying checksum of /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/nvidia-docker2_2.8.0-1_all.deb
18:13:29 INFO: NVIDIA Container Runtime with Docker integration (Beta) - target: Found file /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/nvidia-container-runtime_3.7.0-1_all.deb with correct checksum, skip downloading.
18:13:29 INFO: Multimedia API - target: verifying checksum of /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/nvidia-l4t-jetson-multimedia-api_32.7.1-20220219090344_arm64.deb
18:13:29 INFO: NVIDIA Nsight Systems CLI - target: verifying checksum of /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/nsight-systems-linux-tegra-public-2021.5.4.19-e642d4b_2021.5.4.19-1_arm64.deb
18:13:29 INFO: NVIDIA Container Runtime with Docker integration (Beta) - target: Found file /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/nvidia-docker2_2.8.0-1_all.deb with correct checksum, skip downloading.
18:13:29 INFO: NVIDIA Nsight Systems CLI - target: Found file /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/nsight-systems-linux-tegra-public-2021.5.4.19-e642d4b_2021.5.4.19-1_arm64.deb with correct checksum, skip downloading.
18:13:29 INFO: Multimedia API - target: Found file /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/nvidia-l4t-jetson-multimedia-api_32.7.1-20220219090344_arm64.deb with correct checksum, skip downloading.
18:13:30 INFO: TensorRT on Target - target: Found file /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/libnvinfer-samples_8.2.1-1+cuda10.2_all.deb with correct checksum, skip downloading.
18:13:31 INFO: CUDA Toolkit for L4T - target: Found file /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/cuda-repo-l4t-10-2-local_10.2.460-1_arm64.deb with correct checksum, skip downloading.
18:13:32 INFO: File System and OS - target_image: Found file /home/fwav/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/Tegra_Linux_Sample-Root-Filesystem_R32.7.1_aarch64.tbz2 with correct checksum, skip downloading.
18:13:32 DEBUG: running command < true >
18:13:32 INFO: exec_command: true
18:13:32 INFO: command finished successfully
18:13:32 DEBUG: File System and OS - target_image: using adapter to install NV_L4T_FILE_SYSTEM_AND_OS_T194_COMP@JETSON_XAVIER_NX_TARGETS to /home/fwav/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.1_Linux_JETSON_XAVIER_NX_TARGETS/
18:13:32 INFO: File System and OS - target_image: change working directory to /home/fwav/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.1_Linux_JETSON_XAVIER_NX_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs/
18:13:32 INFO: File System and OS - target_image: exec_command: /tmp/
18:13:32 INFO: File System and OS - target_image: [host] [sudo] password for fwav:
18:17:41 : File System and OS - target_image: WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.
18:17:42 INFO: File System and OS - target_image: Hit:1 Index of /ubuntu/ bionic InRelease
18:17:43 INFO: File System and OS - target_image: Hit:2 Index of /ubuntu bionic-security InRelease
18:17:43 INFO: File System and OS - target_image: Hit:3 Index of /ubuntu/ bionic-updates InRelease
18:17:43 INFO: File System and OS - target_image: Hit:4 Index of /ubuntu/ bionic-backports InRelease
18:17:43 INFO: File System and OS - target_image: Get:5 Index of /repos/edge/ stable InRelease [7,343 B]
18:17:44 INFO: File System and OS - target_image: The following signatures couldn’t be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY EB3E94ADBE1229CF
18:17:48 INFO: File System and OS - target_image: Reading package lists…
18:17:48 ERROR: File System and OS - target_image: E: The repository ‘Index of /repos/edge/ stable InRelease’ is not signed.
18:17:48 INFO: File System and OS - target_image: [ Package Install Finished with Error ]
18:17:48 ERROR: File System and OS - target_image: command terminated with error
18:17:48 SUMMARY: Flash Jetson Xavier NX - flash: Depends on failed component


This issue should be posted over in the Jetson Xavier NX category. I will move it over for you so that the support team has visibility.

Tom K

Hi wang_jin_1999,

From the log, your host environment has issue when run sudo apt-get update command.
Please fix this issue and try again. Thanks!

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