I used Jetson Xavier NX with Jetpack 4.5 and it is powered by the power brick comes with the package. Using the depth viewer in ZED’s sdk, I got 32-35Hz depth map frame rate with 720p, performace mode. But I notice that someone used ZED and Jetson TX2 and got 40Hz at 720p (video on youtube). The performance of Xavier NX should be better than TX2 and I have tried all 15W power model on my Xavier NX and still no luck. Does anyone use ZED 2 with Xavier NX? What’s the performance like on your board? Thanks in advance.
Could you tell how do you verify the performance?
the software called ZED Depth Viewer in ZED’s SDK. Which is the same as that in the video.
DId you use the nvpmodel -m 2 ?
Yes, I tried 15W 2core/4core/6core and I got the best performance on 15W 2core mode (higher cpu frequency). But the frame rates is still lower than the video.
Could you also run the jetson_clocks to verify again.
I don’t know if it is because the “system throttled due to Over-current” alerm, which is a common issue on jetpack 4.5. https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/system-throttled-due-to-over-current/167029/35
any ideas on this?
Not sure of it, didn’t you see any over current warning message while run the case?
I did. There’s an over current warning on the top left of the screen.
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Sorry, top right of the screen
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I have found the solution: flash back to Jetpack 4.4.1
The FPS boosts to 50-55
So the J4.4.1 didn’t have the over current, right?
Never get the over current warning on 4.4.1
Please try to change the overcurrent limit to 5A and see if perf still drops or not.
echo 5000 > /sys/devices/c250000.i2c/i2c-7/7-0040/iio:device0/crit_current_limit_0