I built a camera driver using ov5693 camera driver as reference and the camera driver works properly.
When I install jetpack in Xavier and after reboot, there is no Display showing up.
I found this thread and did the following
I tried using ctrl+alt+f2 to get into command line mode and then executed the following commands
The Display came back after reboot but now when I insert kernel module is not showing any messages in dmesg
and if I try to stream using camera there is no camera node that shows up in /dev/videox
Is there any way to fix it ? or am I doing it the Wrong way
I would like to double confirm your process.
did you mean your Jetson AGX Xavier cannot pop-up display by flashing with native JetPack release?
or, is this issue happened after you loading your customize camera driver?
Hi @JerryChang
There was no issue when using the custom camera driver I used it several times before.
I found the issue is only happening after installation of nvidia-jetpack .
I tired to ssh into the xavier(AGX) and it was successful.
then tried these commands and the display came back
But my custom camera driver is missing
I tried to insert the kernel module using sudo insmod ov5693.ko but I am getting nothing in demsg and no “videoX” node was created