Kernel module Not running

I built a camera driver using ov5693 camera driver as reference and the camera driver works properly.
When I install jetpack in Xavier and after reboot, there is no Display showing up.

I found this thread and did the following
I tried using ctrl+alt+f2 to get into command line mode and then executed the following commands

sudo systemctl set-default
sudo systemctl start gdm3.service
sudo service gdm3 start
sudo apt-get  upgrade
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

The Display came back after reboot but now when I insert kernel module is not showing any messages in dmesg
and if I try to stream using camera there is no camera node that shows up in /dev/videox

Is there any way to fix it ? or am I doing it the Wrong way

hello varun.p,

I would like to double confirm your process.
did you mean your Jetson AGX Xavier cannot pop-up display by flashing with native JetPack release?
or, is this issue happened after you loading your customize camera driver?

Hi @JerryChang
There was no issue when using the custom camera driver I used it several times before.

I found the issue is only happening after installation of nvidia-jetpack .
I tired to ssh into the xavier(AGX) and it was successful.
then tried these commands and the display came back

sudo systemctl set-default
sudo systemctl start gdm3.service
sudo service gdm3 start
sudo apt-get  upgrade
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

But my custom camera driver is missing
I tried to insert the kernel module using sudo insmod ov5693.ko but I am getting nothing in demsg and no “videoX” node was created

hello varun.p,

since it’s customer driver, this upgrade step overwrite the binaries to default Jetpack release.

is this customer camera using ov5693? you may consult with your sensor vendor for the latest support drivers.

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