Localhost service is not accessible and Houdini can't connect to localhost

I followed the tutorial, created a localhost server but it is not accessible.
And my houdini comes error, can’t connect to the localhost.
Services are in running status.
Please tell me how can I solve this problem. T.T

Have you validated your login works properly?

Can you log in through Navigator without issue?

I’m not entirely sure what Navigator refers to. Could you clarify? My login works fine though.

We are talking about in your Omniverse Launcher, there is a dedicated Nucleus tab. That is where you installed your localhost correct? Can you navigate into your localhost server there, in Launcher? If you cannot connect there, you cannot connect anywhere. Just curious but when you say you have “followed the steps”, from where? Can you send me the link to check.

Yeah, I can navigater my localhost server in Omniverse.

And here is my link:Tutorial Videos — Omniverse Connect

Nerver mind, just checked my Houdini and it suddenly connected well. >.< Thank you~

Ok thanks