Maximum number of virtual channels per CSI-2 port


in the official Nvidia specs (Hochleistungs-KI für Edge-Anwendungen | NVIDIA Jetson TX2) its said that we can connect up to 12 cameras with the help of virtual channel aggregation to the Jetson TX2-NX via 5 clockable CSI2-ports. However the sofware features chapter ( states that Nvidia only has validated the virtual channel aggregation of 2 cameras per csi-port. I also already experienced this by trying to aggregate more than 2 camera streams into 1 CSI-port. The pipeline runs for a while but then crashes.
Now if I multiply 5 with 2 I get 10 NOT 12. So why do the spec states the support of 12 cameras then?

Thanks for your help in advance.

Kind regards, Steve

TX2 can support to 12 by VC but TX-NX.

Hi @ShaneCCC ,

thanks for your answer. I see, but then your official specs seem to be having a typo. In the page I have access to (the table comparing both models) for both it is mentioned that they can support 12 virtual camera channels.

Thanks anyway for your support on this issue.

Kind regards, Steve

Yes, it’s typo. Will check to modify it.


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