I am trying to export an audio2face animation to Unreal Engine. The model is not a metahuman, only have a 3D mesh model. The process I’m following is to export it to Maya and then from there to Unreal Engine.
After several attempts, I managed to make it work, but now I’m unable to repeat the process. The working geometry cache was generated with the ‘mcx’ extension, but now it only generates ‘mcc’.
When bringing the “mcc” file into Maya, I’m encountering an error:
“// Error: …_003_001_resultCache1 (Cache File): ..._003_001_result
may have an invalid cache description or invalid, missing or empty cache file.
Cached Playback: The presence of unsupported Cache File node ‘…_003_001_resultCache1’ has triggered Safe Mode, and caching is disabled.
You can continue work, but caching has stopped.
Remove animation from ‘…_003_001_resultCache1’, or delete the node entirely, to resume caching.”
When opening the associated XML file for the “mcc” file, I noticed that it has a strange format as it doesn’t identify the model, whereas in the “mcx” file, the model is referenced. And “mcc” file have a tag for maya 2018.
mcc file:
“?xml version=“1.0”?
cacheType Type=“OneFile” Format=“mcc”
time Range=“0-102500”
cacheTimePerFrame TimePerFrame=“100”
cacheVersion Version=“2.0”
extra maya 2018 x64 extra
extra username extra
channel0 ChannelName=“head_meshShape” ChannelType=“DoubleVectorArray” ChannelInterpretation=“positions” SamplingType=“Regular” SamplingRate=“100” StartTime=“0” EndTime=“102500”
mcx file:
“?xml version=“1.0”?
cacheType Type=“OneFile” Format=“mcx”
time Range=“0-38200”
cacheTimePerFrame TimePerFrame=“200”
cacheVersion Version=“2.0”
channel0 ChannelName=”…_003_001_result" ChannelType=“FloatVectorArray” ChannelInterpretation=“Points” SamplingType=“Regular” SamplingRate=“200” StartTime=“0” EndTime=“38200”
using audio2Face 2022.2.1 and Maya 2024
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening and how to solve it?