BTW, I found that there are no power values at /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/ina3221x/7-0040/iio:device0 as mentioned in the documentation. Is there any change in the path with Jetpack 5.0.2 on Xavier NX?
However, I could find everything I needed at /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/ina3221x/6-0040/iio:device0/ on Jetson Nano running Jetpack 4.6.1 as mentioned in the documentation.
please check $ cat in*_label for the details.
furthermore, in4_input shows the voltage of INA3221_CHANNEL1, in5_input shows the voltage of INA3221_CHANNEL2, in6_input shows the voltage of INA3221_CHANNEL3,
Hi Jerry,
Thanks for the response. $ cat in*_label has provided me with the following values.
==> in1_label <==
==> in2_label <==
==> in3_label <==
==> in7_label <==
sum of shunt voltages
No labels for in4_input, in5_input, in6_input though. Where are the INA3221_CHANNEL[1,2,3] connected? Are they same as VDD_IN, VDD_CPU_GPU_CV and VDD_SOC?