I have a mobile robot urdf imported with import inertia tensors directly from URDF checked. But I want to run it at high speeds up to 5 m/s which needs a joint velocity of about 2000 deg/s (which is the unit used for an angular drive I suppose.) But at such high speeds, the robot bounces off all over the place and does not work well as compared to lower speeds. Is there any property or changes I need to make in order to have high speeds?
Can someone from Nvidia address this issue or have any suggestions?
There’s many situations where the behavior described can happen.
With the information provided, I can only assume the most likely case that the the collision shapes assigned to the wheels are not homogeneous (they may be automatically computed convex hulls instead of cylinders, for example).
it would be good to have some additional information on what you see on the screen.
Can you share a small clip of what’s happening, screenshots containing your physics scene configuration, and the collision shape outlines?
Do you see any error messages when you run the simulation?
PFA, the video
And the physics configuration

No errors while running simulation
Hi - Sorry for the delay in the response. Let us know if you still having this issue/question with the latest Isaac Sim 2022.2.1 release.