Multi Matte AOVs not rendering


Could you please list the steps to get MultiMatte to render as Path Trace AOVs?
Currently I’m not able to render MultiMatte AOVs in Create 2022.3.1 - the result is just black image with each channel being black.

Steps I do to try to render Multimatte:

  1. Right Click Scene → Create → AOV
  2. Add Camera in AOV → RenderView
  3. Select each object → Property → Multimatte ID → set ID (1, 2, 3 for example - each number for each object)
  4. Render Setting Path Trace → Multimatte → Channel Count 3 → Red 1, Green 2, Blue 3
  5. Movie Capture → Path Trace → Use Render Product → /Render/RenderView
  6. Output as EXR, HDR with alpha
  7. Render Sequence

Tried with adaptive sampling off and on - the AOV file Capture.0001_PtMultiMatte0.exr is just rendered black