No display on jetson orin nano developer kit


I flashed the Jetpack 6.1 image on a 128Go microSD card using balena etcher 1.19.21 on a linux machine running on Ubuntu 22.04.5.
Then I inserted the microSD in the jetson board with mouse and keyboard also connected. When I turn on the jetson orin nano card nothing happens, no display, no power on the keyboard and mouse…
I tried different image versions but still the same result.

Is there a way to debug the board even if I don’t have a USB to TTL adaptor?


A direct way to try is directly flash the board with sdkmanager if you don’t want to dump log to analyze.


I followed this video to install Jetson software with manual setup in recovery mode:

NVIDIA SDK Manager Tutorial: Installing Jetson Software Explained - YouTube

But my board is still undetectable, so I am stuck at the flashing step on SDK manager…

  1. Is your host PC a VM?

  2. Are you sure the usb cable is okay?

  3. Have you checked the lsusb result on your host PC when you put the jetson into recovery mode?

  1. No, it is not.
  2. Yes, I tried 3 different cables.
  3. Yes, the output of the command is the same before and after connecting the board.
  1. Have you checked the dmesg on your host PC before and after connect the board?

  2. Just a reminder that you have to short the jumper before you plug in the power cable.

  1. No new line after connecting the board…
  2. Yes, I followed the instructions on the youtube video.
  1. Just to confirm as picture is a little not clear on my side. Is that pin 9 and pin 10 on the connector?

  2. Do you have other host machine to test?

  1. Yes
  2. Yes I tried on 3 linux,1 mac and 1 windows laptops

Then I think you need to RMA this board.

Before RMA, I managed to get a USB to TTL converter.
You can find the logs attached; this was in normal mode (not in recovery).
logs.txt (36.1 KB)

And here are the logs in recovery mode:
logs_recovery.txt (36.2 KB)

Just to clarify.

Current situation is your board didn’t enter recovery mode at all.

There is no such thing called “the logs in recovery mode” because there should not be any log printed in recovery mode unless the flash process starts.

As the flash process didn’t start at all, that logs_recovery.txt is just another boot log not related to recovery mode.

Ok I see, thanks for the clarification.
The behavior of the board is slightly different in “normal” and recovery mode.
In normal mode the logs appear as soon as I plug the power cable as well as the fan.
When I try to enter in recovery mode (by connecting pin 9 and 10) nothing appends for 10 seconds and then the logs appear, and the fan starts to rotate.


When I try to enter in recovery mode (by connecting pin 9 and 10) nothing appends for 10 seconds and then the logs appear, and the fan starts to rotate.

The last time we saw such behavior is because a user used a bad type C usb cable… but as you told you changed a lot of kind, I think it might be not related.


Is there anything we can learn from this error at the end of the logs, or it just means that the flash process has failed?

ASSERT [FvbNorFlashStandaloneMm] /out/nvidia/optee.t234-uefi/StandaloneMmOptee_RELEASE)

No, this has nothing to do or related to the flash. It is just a known software issue but only be able to recover by flashing.

The reason that I asked you to do RMA is because recovery mode is a pure hardware event. Any failure to enter recovery mode is from hardware side.

I finally managed to connect the board and here is the message I got from sdkmanager:

Dump the serial console log when the flash failure happened…

Here are the logs.
log_when_flashing.txt (129.7 KB)

Could you hotplug your type C flash cable when the board stuck in this situation and see if any new log printed on it?

What I saw here is the usb device mode driver is up and does not detect the usb connection between your host and your jetson.