No geometry coming from blender to omniverse

Uh, I have a super simple problem.
See the video please:

I am trying to make custom geometry in blender for the cc4 characters eye lashes… This is the part of eye where eye lashes are connected to. But I just cannot export ANYTHING from blender to create / A2F.

Please help if you can.

Hello @pekka! I am sending this over to the dev team now. Could you let me know what version of Blender you are using? It looks like you are not using the Omniverse version of Blender, is that correct?

Thank Wendy!

Yes I use the Omniverse version, start from OV Launcer:

Hey, I got it figured out some more!

If I export objects without any deleted faces, they are opened OK in Omniverse.

If I delete faces, nothing comes in. Please see my video about this:

Hi @pekka.varis. Thanks for reporting this. I believe this is happening because you’re in Edit Mode when exporting the meshes. Please be sure to be in Object Mode, so the edits are finalized, before exporting. Please let me know if this does not fix the issue.

We will investigate whether we can facilitate changing the mode in the exporter code or at least issue a warning when exporting in Edit Mode.

That was it! exporting with Object mode worked :)

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just the same way as it is in the tutorials you made:

Slighlty too high when imported but that is fixed soon…
Now I can continue my work on this.

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