Hi @DataJuggler This is a known issue rendering concave polygons in Hydra. One workaround is to triangulate the mesh prior to export, by applying the Triangulate modifier to avoid concave polygons. Just FYI, the next Blender release will have an option to automatically triangulate the mesh when exporting to USD.
I thought I heard Nvidia is working on something that is a live sync between Blender and Omniverse? Is something like that coming that will be more than just import / export?
Yes, we’re working on a connector add-on that will support Import/Export directly with Omniverse Nucleus servers and Apps. As a part of that connector we will include Live Sync features with Blender to Omniverse apps, much like you see with Maya/Max and Omniverse. More updates will be announced when we get closer. Stay Tuned!